Power firm pays for Hogmanay dinner at Jura Hotel after power cut

Craighouse on Jura where power was cut during Storm Dylan on Hogmanay. PIC: www.geograph.co.ukCraighouse on Jura where power was cut during Storm Dylan on Hogmanay. PIC: www.geograph.co.uk
Craighouse on Jura where power was cut during Storm Dylan on Hogmanay. PIC: www.geograph.co.uk
Islanders struggling with a power cut on Hogmanay faced a bleak start to 2018 - until an energy firm laid on a free party.

Residents on Jura were able to enjoy New Year celebrations after Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks organised the get together at the Jura Hotel.

Officials from the energy firm directed people to the hotel for food and drink after Storm Dylan took out power to homes.

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Do Not Disturb: The Jura Hotel, Isle of Jura
The Jura Hotel hosted Hogmanay after an energy firm paid for the party following a power cut across the island. PIC: Contributed.The Jura Hotel hosted Hogmanay after an energy firm paid for the party following a power cut across the island. PIC: Contributed.
The Jura Hotel hosted Hogmanay after an energy firm paid for the party following a power cut across the island. PIC: Contributed.

It was then standing room only at the hotel, which is equipped with back up generators, as the party got underway.

SSEN then picked up the bill, which is thought to have come to more than £2,000, according to the Daily Record.

Hotel owner Cath McCallum, 39, and her seven staff, pulled out the stops to make sure 2018 got off to a great start.

The Jura Hotel hosted Hogmanay after an energy firm paid for the party following a power cut across the island. PIC: Contributed.The Jura Hotel hosted Hogmanay after an energy firm paid for the party following a power cut across the island. PIC: Contributed.
The Jura Hotel hosted Hogmanay after an energy firm paid for the party following a power cut across the island. PIC: Contributed.

Cath, who runs the hotel with husband Andy, 38, served 120 meals on the night.

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Mrs McCallum told the newspaper: “The place was packed, it was a fabulous party. We ran out of everything – except drink.

“I have to say SSEN were marvellous and it’s not often you say that about a power company.

“The company had contacted all customers who would be affected and told them to head down here to enjoy dinner and drinks on them.

People came down and had their dinner and a drink but then paid for their own drinks too.

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“The company were still phoning here at 11.45pm, making sure anyone who had been cut off was in the hotel.

“The bar is usually quiet on Hogmanay as people tend to see in The Bells at home. It’s not normally a case of everyone being in the pub spending time together but it was this year.”

The hotel was also affected by the power cut and couldn’t use fryers, microwaves, electric ovens or kettles in order to preserve the supply.

Mrs McCallum said: “It was back to basics with the Aga, and gas. But our chefs were amazing and our whole team were fantastic.

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“It turns out it takes more than a power cut to dampen Hogmanay spirits on Jura.”

Barman Campbell Lindsay said it had been “intense, but great fun” on the night.

Following his shift, he took to the stage with his band The Beatroots to keep the party going.

A spokesman for SSEN said: “We would like to thank everyone for the community spirit they’ve shown while our engineers worked hard to repair the damage done by Storm Dylan.”

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