Readers react to news cars face ban in parts of Edinburgh

A cyclist heading  East to West on Princes Street. Picture: Neil HannaA cyclist heading  East to West on Princes Street. Picture: Neil Hanna
A cyclist heading East to West on Princes Street. Picture: Neil Hanna
EDINBURGH Evening News readers have given a mixed response to plans to make the heart of Edinburgh more pedestrian-friendly.

Drivers in the Capital are facing a raft of new restrictions on where they can and can’t drive in and around the Old and New Towns, in a bid to hand more space to people travelling on foot and bicycle.

But while some readers support the plans, others have branded the new council vision “unpractical and ridiculous”.

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Charalampos Koundourakis had a positive response, writing on our Facebook page: “There’ll be a lot of growing pains but it might work quite well. Time to get the ole bicycle out.”

A cyclist heading  East to West on Princes Street. Picture: Neil HannaA cyclist heading  East to West on Princes Street. Picture: Neil Hanna
A cyclist heading East to West on Princes Street. Picture: Neil Hanna

Another supportive voice came from Jock Thompson, who wrote: “It’s a small city so its quicker walking in it that driving up Princes Street.”

David Ure blasted: “In that case the cyclists should be paying road tax for this and the car drivers should be paying less road tax! Since my road tax clearly ain’t being used on the roads.”

Sarcastic Gary Cleghorn ranted: “Brilliant... A fantastic way to make a community nurses life more difficult and reduce the amount of work they’re able to do in a day by slowing everything down.”

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Tania Allan questioned: “What about disabled people? They need a car.”

A cyclist heading  East to West on Princes Street. Picture: Neil HannaA cyclist heading  East to West on Princes Street. Picture: Neil Hanna
A cyclist heading East to West on Princes Street. Picture: Neil Hanna

Waheed Rana wrote: “Here we go again these clowns are back with their unpractical and ridiculous ideas. I wish ECC did a survey before making a decision but as usual who gives a monkey about the public that has elected them to be their representatives instead as soon as they hold their charge they turn!! They have funds to do this pathetic plan but not for fixing the roads.”

Maureen Willis added: “Just watch the city losing business if they do this.”