Edinburgh primary school to change name to sound more Catholic

The entrance to the joint Fox Covert Primary campus. Picture: Andrew O'BrienThe entrance to the joint Fox Covert Primary campus. Picture: Andrew O'Brien
The entrance to the joint Fox Covert Primary campus. Picture: Andrew O'Brien
A PRIMARY school in the Capital is set to be re-named to make it sound more Catholic.

Parents at Fox Covert RC Primary overwhelmingly backed the idea in a recent consultation and there is now a strong likelihood the establishment will be named after a saint to boost awareness of its distinct identity and approach to education.

Teachers and families at the west Edinburgh school, which shares a campus with Fox Covert non-denominational primary, will be asked to come up with suggestions this week.

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The top three names will then be put to a vote, with school leaders hoping to finalise the selection by the end of term.

However, the change will not come into effect until it has been approved by the city’s education committee.

There is also a possibility that Fox Covert RC’s uniform could be redesigned, although senior staff stressed this would be phased in gradually.

In her consultation letter to parents, Anne Purcell, headteacher at Fox Covert RC Primary, said: “There is often a lack of awareness that there are two schools on the campus and of the existence of a Catholic school in the area.

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“Families new to the associated parishes are often unaware that there is a local Catholic school. Two distinct names will increase the visibility of Fox Covert RC Primary School within the area.”

She said staff were working hard to promote the success of pupils and reinforce the school’s name, but added that there had been occasions when youngsters’ achievements were wrongly attributed.

“Children are frequently disappointed by their achievements being attributed to Fox Covert Primary School,” her letter states.

“With a clear and distinctive name it becomes easier to build and sustain the unique identity of our school. Children, staff and the school community would receive full recognition for their achievements.

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“Renaming our school with a saint’s name would assist the school to promote its Catholic ethos and assist families within the parish communities to recognise the existence of their local Catholic primary school.”

Parental backing for renaming Fox Covert – with 66 per cent of consultation respondents expressing support – has been welcomed by leaders at the Catholic Church.

A spokesman for the Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh said: “In terms of enhancing the school’s visibility and ethos while also maintaining very good intra-campus relations, it seems like an eminently sensible decision by the parents to back a change of name for Fox Covert RC Primary and, certainly, there are many saints who could prove to be an inspirational role model for young people today.”