New interim head teacher appointed at Oxgangs Primary School

General view of Oxgangs Primary School. Picture: TSPLGeneral view of Oxgangs Primary School. Picture: TSPL
General view of Oxgangs Primary School. Picture: TSPL
A NEW interim head teacher has been appointed to take charge at Oxgangs Primary School while an investigation continues into suspended head Liz Walshe.

Juniper Green head Anthea Grierson was drafted into Oxgangs on a temporary basis last month but will return to her own school at the end of the current half-term break.

And Paul Ewing, current head teacher at Liberton Primary School, will take over as interim head at Oxgangs.

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A source said he was expected to carry out the role until at least Christmas.

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Oxgangs Primary head teacher suspended amid bullying claims

Ms Walshe’s suspension came amid complaints about the handling of bullying allegations at the school.

One parent said at the time she had lodged an official complaint and moved her two children to another school three weeks previously after her son became ill due to being bullied.

Oxgangs Primary suffered major disruption after an outer wall collapsed in 2016, leading to the temporary closure of 17 city schools following the discovery of structural faults.

The council said it was inappropriate to comment on personnel matters but confirmed Mr Ewing’s appointment.