Could you be featured in an Evening News doorstep portrait?

Siobhan Ballantyne and Steven Rae with their children Evan (11) and Harris (6) and Border Collie Dog Finn. Siobhan is a Royal Blind Residential Care Worker Nurse and Steven is working from home as a pensions business analyst for one of Edinburgh's large insurance companies.Siobhan Ballantyne and Steven Rae with their children Evan (11) and Harris (6) and Border Collie Dog Finn. Siobhan is a Royal Blind Residential Care Worker Nurse and Steven is working from home as a pensions business analyst for one of Edinburgh's large insurance companies.
Siobhan Ballantyne and Steven Rae with their children Evan (11) and Harris (6) and Border Collie Dog Finn. Siobhan is a Royal Blind Residential Care Worker Nurse and Steven is working from home as a pensions business analyst for one of Edinburgh's large insurance companies. | JPIMedia
The project is launching today.

The Evening News is launching Doorstet Portraits, a new community-based project during the Covid-19 lockdown.

Readers of the Evening News are invited to nominate themselves or others to be photographed on their doorstep by an Evening News photographer during lockdown.

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The nominee could be an essential worker who has been working hard to keep people safe and keep society moving during the pandemic.

It could also be a friend, neighbour or family member who you have not seen for some time, and who may relish the opportunity to feel a connection with you or the wider community through this photography project.

Everyone has a different experience of lockdown and every person or household in isolation has their own unique story to tell.

Those chosen to be featured in the project will have their photograph taken from an appropriate distance.

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They will be asked to remain on the doorstep or in a suitable location with the Evening News photographer not approaching closer than two metres, as per government social distancing guidelines.

The photographs will be collected together and displayed in the paper as well as on the Evening News website, both to mark this extraordinary time and to further a sense of community spirit among residents of the city.

Anyone is eligible to take part, and photographs can be of individuals or entire households, including pets.

Those interested in nominating others or themselves to take part can do so by emailing the Evening News Picture Desk at [email protected].

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Nominators are asked to provide a short paragraph in support of their nomination, explaining who they or the person or people they are nominating are and why they think they would be a good fit for the project.

Similar projects in other locations have asked for donations to charity from those having their photograph taken.

The Evening News Doorstep Portraits project does not involve a suggested donation.

However, those included in the project are welcome to make such a donation and let us know which charity they decided to choose.