'I didn’t know what to expect in hospital': Edinburgh mum describes difficulties of giving birth during lockdown

Andy and Karrie Sommerville with baby HeidiAndy and Karrie Sommerville with baby Heidi
Andy and Karrie Sommerville with baby Heidi | Other 3rd Party
Baby Heidi was born on April 23 at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary

An Edinburgh mum has spoken out about the differences and difficulties of giving birth during the height of lockdown.

With parents spread across the UK and two youngsters already in the household, Karrie Sommerville, 37, and husband Andy knew that giving birth during the coronavirus lockdown would certainly be a different experience.

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Karrie, from Juniper Green, told the Evening News: “The uncertainty beforehand made me a bit anxious, I didn’t know what to expect in hospital.”

Baby Heidi shortly after she was born.Baby Heidi shortly after she was born.
Baby Heidi shortly after she was born. | Other 3rd Party

“I didn’t know if my husband would be able to be there, I was preparing to go in alone. But the experience in hospital was just the same as before, apart from everyone wearing masks. The staff were exceptional, I couldn’t fault the care.”

Baby Heidi was born on April 23 at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, and provided some stark changes to when Karrie gave birth to her two other children, Daisy, 6, and Freddie, 3.

“It’s different not being able to see friends and family and share that you’ve had a newborn, I feel almost like Heidi’s spent the first five weeks of her life looking at screens on videochat.”

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Ms Sommerville’s parents live in Northern Ireland, while her husband’s are in Ayrshire, so neither have been able to meet Heidi even from a distance.

Heidi is now five weeks old.Heidi is now five weeks old.
Heidi is now five weeks old. | Other 3rd Party
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Ms Sommerville added that the care she has received has been ‘fantastic’.

“It’s been more responsive as opposed to scheduled, but everybody’s always been at the end of the phone. The Health Advisors come in with their masks and apron and they’re washing their hands. I’ve got used to it, it all seems normal now,” she said.

Another challenge has been caring for the new baby along with a three-year-old and a six-year-old, as husband Andy, who works in sports science, is working from home.

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But there have been upsides to having a baby at such a strange time, Ms Sommerville said.

“It probably forces you to slow down a bit. If things were normal Heidi would probably be in an out of the car seat all the time, but now we’ve just been at home as a family.

“There are some positives to it, it’s made the five of us all bond together as a unit. The other children have had time to adjust to their new sister, and they absolutely adore her.”

Have you had a baby during lockdown? If so you could have a picture of your newborn featured in the Edinburgh Evening News.

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Life has continued during lockdown and many people in Edinburgh and the Lothians have welcomed a new member to the family in the last few months.

While a new baby always brings challenges, a global pandemic and the lockdown rules associated with it have made this period even more strange, difficult and wonderful for many new parents.

One of the hardest things has been not being able to show the new baby to friends and family members.

With the new lockdown rules in place from Friday, some people have now been able to see new grandchildren or nephews and nieces from a distance outside, while others must continue to wait.

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If you would like to see a picture of your newborn in the Evening News, email a high-resolution photograph, along with your name, the baby’s name, date of birth and your local area to [email protected].