Readers react as Edinburgh stays in level three coronavirus restrictions: "Absolutely devastated"

Left: A shopper wears a protective face mask in Edinburgh's Princes Street. (Credit: Jane Barlow/PA Wire) Right: The City of Edinburgh (Credit: Getty Images)Left: A shopper wears a protective face mask in Edinburgh's Princes Street. (Credit: Jane Barlow/PA Wire) Right: The City of Edinburgh (Credit: Getty Images)
Left: A shopper wears a protective face mask in Edinburgh's Princes Street. (Credit: Jane Barlow/PA Wire) Right: The City of Edinburgh (Credit: Getty Images)

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"It’s the right thing to do to save lives.”

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced on Tuesday the Capital will not be moving down to level two, despite calls for it do so.

We asked our readers how they felt about the news on our Facebook page, and there was a very mixed reaction.

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Bill Mcleary shared a heartbreaking story. He said: “Absolutely devastated. My partner lives in Oban and I was planning on spending Christmas with her as we have not been together for months.

"But hey ho, desperate times. Follow the rules or follow the fools. Stay safe and wash yer hands and make make the best of a bad situation. Happy Christmas.”

Many believed the decision to keep Edinburgh under stricter rules was the right decision.

Linda James wrote: “It's the right thing to do to save lives. Now stop the travelling from everywhere.” And Tracy McBurnie said: “Right call. Just wish folk would comply.”

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Dave Mackay and Ruth Whyler agreed. “It's the right decision,” said Dave, “Cases in Edinburgh have risen significantly in the last two weeks.”

And Ruth simply said: “Cases are rising and people are dying, it’s a no brainer.”

‘It’s destroying lives’

But there were those who disagreed with the decision to stay in level three.

"It's easy to say ‘put us in tier 4’ when you can work from home or your income is secure,” said John Peden. “It's much harder when you're self employed or much worse, unemployed.”

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And Steven Magee wrote: “Tier 3 is helping destroy lives [and] businesses rapidly. If the government had closed all borders in March and had strict quarantine we would not be in this mess.”

Patricia Prado said: “If this very rich country were to support its people with adequate financial backing, not one person would question these decisions. There lies the problem.”

‘People not giving a flying fig’

There were also many who were concerned people will not obey the rules, whatever level Edinburgh is in.

Davie Black said: “Sadly too many people are just not giving a flying fig any longer and just doing whatever they please. Might as well make the whole place tier 99 for all the difference it’ll make!”

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And Lynne Dalgleish said: “People should think before breaking the measures! Just have to speak to anyone working in hospitals etc to know this is not getting better!”

Bill Whyte drew attention to anti-lockdown protests at the weekend. He said: “Until there is enforcement nothing will change. One glaring example is the demonstrations that are allowed to go ahead! Time for people to take responsibility for their actions.”

Meanwhile, many had the Christmas relaxing of restrictions on their minds.

Debbie Kerr said she was not a Nicola Sturgeon fan, but thought keeping Edinburgh in level three was the right call: “Also hope the four nations cut this silly Christmas - thought of this horrific virus having a five day holiday...”

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Carol Brooks added: “I honestly think the five day ‘FREE FOR ALL’ over Xmas should be cancelled.”

What do you think? You can join in the debate on our Facebook page, or in the comments here on our website.

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