Menopause night sweats: Understanding the symptoms and benefits of natural supplements

This unique blend of 12 essential ingredients is specifically designed to balance hormones and support women through night sweats and the menopauseThis unique blend of 12 essential ingredients is specifically designed to balance hormones and support women through night sweats and the menopause
This unique blend of 12 essential ingredients is specifically designed to balance hormones and support women through night sweats and the menopause
Find out why so many women are turning to to help manage menopause night sweats with natural supplements

One of the most common symptoms of menopause is the dreaded night sweats. Night sweats are episodes of sweating that occur during sleep, often leading to disturbed sleep.

Menopause is a natural biological process that marks the end of a woman’s menstrual cycle. It usually occurs in women in their late 40s or early 50s, although it can happen earlier or later in some cases. Menopause brings about various changes in a woman’s body due to a decrease in the production of oestrogen and progesterone hormones.

Finding ways to manage menopause symptoms, such as night sweats, is vital for maintaining quality of life and overall health.

How natural supplements may be able to help with menopause night sweats – plus a money-back guaranteeHow natural supplements may be able to help with menopause night sweats – plus a money-back guarantee
How natural supplements may be able to help with menopause night sweats – plus a money-back guarantee

Night sweats can occur at any time of the night, ranging from mild to severe, causing discomfort and interrupted sleep patterns.

Why is one of the UK’s leading menopause brands

Over the last few years, more and more women have preferred to explore natural solutions to manage their symptoms. Natural supplements have gained massive popularity as safe and effective ways to manage menopause symptoms, including night sweats.

When it comes to menopause supplements, one brand that has quickly established itself as one of the industry leaders is and for good reason.

Neuaura has explored the benefits of natural supplements for managing menopause night sweats and has discovered that many women are now turning to them to find comfort when dealing with menopause.

By understanding how natural supplements can help with menopause night sweats, you can make informed decisions about your health and well-being.

What are menopause night sweats?

Menopause night sweats are one of the most common symptoms experienced by women during the menopause transition. They are characterised by sudden, intense episodes of sweating during the night that can leave women feeling uncomfortable, soaked and unable to sleep.

Night sweats are caused by hormonal changes in the body, particularly the decrease in oestrogen levels, which disrupts the body’s temperature regulation system and can result in:

Hot flushes: A sudden feeling of heat that spreads throughout the body, causing flushing and sweating.

Rapid heart rate: An increased heartbeat during and after the hot flush.

Chills: A sudden feeling of coldness that follows the hot flush.

Fatigue: Lack of sleep due to night sweats can cause exhaustion and fatigue.

There are also emotional symptoms like:

Irritability: The discomfort caused by night sweats can make women feel irritable and easily annoyed.

Anxiety: The unpredictability of night sweats can cause anxiety and stress.

Another symptom linked to menopause can be depression, exacerbated by poor sleep.

Statistics about menopause night sweats

Menopause and night sweats are a common experience for women in the UK. Neuaura reports:

- According to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), around 80% of women in the UK experience hot flushes and night sweats during menopause.

- A survey conducted by the British Menopause Society found that 45% of women aged 45-65 in the UK reported having night sweats.

- Night sweats can significantly impact sleep quality and daily function. A study published in Climacteric found that women with night sweats reported worse sleep quality and more daytime dysfunction than those without night sweats.

- Despite the prevalence and impact of night sweats, many women in the UK do not seek medical treatment. A survey by the charity Women’s Health Concern found that only 8% of women sought medical help for menopause symptoms, including night sweats.

Natural supplements for menopause night sweats

The massive spike in demand for natural menopause night sweat supplements has been equally met by a wave of companies looking to help women find the solution. There are many natural supplements available that may help manage menopause night sweats.

These supplements often contain ingredients such as red clover, maca root, sage, vitamin C, soy isoflavones, vitamin B5, magnesium, black cohosh, flaxseed and vitamin E.

Red clover: A herb that contains compounds called isoflavones, which have oestrogen-like effects on the body. This can help regulate hormone levels and reduce night sweats.

Maca root: A herb that has been used for centuries to treat a range of menopause symptoms. It contains compounds that may help balance hormone levels and reduce night sweats.

Sage: A natural remedy traditionally used to treat menopause symptoms, including night sweats. It may help regulate body temperature and reduce sweating by targeting the hypothalamus, the part of the brain that controls body temperature.

Vitamin C: Helps with increasing collagen levels, which helps boost your heart health and therefore can relieve hot flushes.

Soy isoflavones: Another type of phytoestrogen that can help balance hormone levels and reduce night sweats.

Vitamin B5: Also known as pantothenic acid, can help support the adrenal gland which produces hormones that can impact menopause symptoms. It can also help reduce stress and improve sleep, both of which can contribute to night sweats.

Magnesium: An essential mineral involved in many bodily processes. It may help regulate body temperature and reduce stress, which can help reduce night sweats.

Black cohosh: A herb that has been used for centuries to treat a range of menopause symptoms. It contains compounds that may help regulate body temperature and reduce night sweats.

Flaxseed: Contains phytoestrogens, which are compounds that mimic the effects of oestrogen in the body. This can help balance hormone levels and reduce night sweats.

Vitamin E: An antioxidant that may help reduce inflammation in the body. It has been shown to reduce the frequency and severity of hot flushes and night sweats.

By incorporating natural supplements into your daily routine, you may be able to manage your night sweats and other menopause symptoms more effectively.

How is helping women across the UK fight back against the menopause

Neuaura believes that your health and well-being are in your own hands, and sometimes you need a little extra support, especially when it comes to managing menopause night sweats.

Each product is carefully crafted by industry-leading experts who are dedicated to creating the best menopause products on the market, with a sole focus on providing you with the support you need during this time.

Using a unique blend of 12 essential ingredients is specifically designed to balance hormones and support women through perimenopause, menopause and postmenopause. Containing root extracts and essential vitamins, each ingredient serves a beneficial purpose in our formula providing the cleanest product possible.

You won’t find any nasty additives, bulking agents or fillers included in this product, and they also use titanium dioxide-free capsules. Products are vegan-friendly, made in the UK using GMP standards, and even support sustainability.

Neuaura offers an amazing 90-day money-back guarantee, has received five-star reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers, and has been featured in The Scotsman, Yorkshire Evening Post and Manchester Evening News.

Check out their website at

How to choose the right natural supplements for you

Adding natural supplements can significantly increase the success of your menopause management goals. However, it’s important to choose the right product. Here are some factors to consider when selecting natural supplements for managing menopause night sweats:

Dosage: It’s important to follow the recommended dosage on the supplement label. Taking too much of a supplement can lead to adverse effects, and taking too little may not provide the desired benefits.

Ingredients: Always read the label and understand every ingredient. If you see any cheap chemical fillers, bulkers or additives, put them back. Your product should only contain clean, therapeutic ingredients that all serve a beneficial purpose for being included.

Quality: Not all-natural supplements are created equal. Look for reputable brands that use high-quality non-toxic ingredients, correct manufacturing processes and provide transparent product information.

This is why there is such a wide variation in cost between different brands and supplements on the market.

Premium supplement brands usually tick all of the above. Essentially you get what you pay for.

To get the most benefit from natural supplements, it’s important to incorporate them into your daily routine. Set a consistent time each day to take your supplements, take with a full glass of water and consider taking them with food to enhance absorption.

In summary, taking a holistic approach to overcoming menopause night sweats by incorporating into your daily routine may help you to improve your quality of life and achieve greater overall wellness.

However, it is essential to remember that natural supplements are not a one-size-fits-all solution. If you have any concerns about starting with a new supplement, you must speak to your medical professional to ensure they are appropriate for you.

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