'So the locksmiths need a locksmith' - Edinburgh Timpson staff lock themselves out of shop

Timpsons staff were locked out of their shop in Edinburgh. PIC: Stevie CummingTimpsons staff were locked out of their shop in Edinburgh. PIC: Stevie Cumming
Timpsons staff were locked out of their shop in Edinburgh. PIC: Stevie Cumming
This is the hilarious picture of bungling locksmiths trying to get into their shop - after they locked themselves out.

A passersby snapped photos of the ironic scene as locksmiths at Timpson on Nicolson Street, Edinburgh had to force their way into the shop.

Stevie Cumming took a snap of a locksmith hard at work trying to open the door with a staff member awkwardly standing by yesterday (mon).

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Posting the picture on Facebook, he said: "You couldn't make this s**t up... Timpsons on Nicholson Street (sic) locked themselves out the shop."

It sparked hilarity on social media with one user commenting: "So the locksmiths needs a locksmith...alrighty??".

Another said: "Need to give themselves a wee trophy engraved D**K OF THE DAY"

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