Edinburgh extremist's arsenal could have caused '˜horrific injuries'

Peter Morgan was  found in possession of explosive items and extreme right-wing paraphernalia at a flat in Edinburgh. Picture: Crown OfficePeter Morgan was  found in possession of explosive items and extreme right-wing paraphernalia at a flat in Edinburgh. Picture: Crown Office
Peter Morgan was found in possession of explosive items and extreme right-wing paraphernalia at a flat in Edinburgh. Picture: Crown Office
IT was only by chance that Morgan's sinister plotting was discovered before he could do any harm.

The jury at his trial heard how uniformed police and paramedics had originally turned up at the block of flats where he lived on July 2 last year after a woman collapsed with no pulse.

A neighbour told how she had seen the woman before at Morgan’s flat.

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Officers concerned others may be in peril knocked at his door but got no reply so a sergeant kicked it down to reveal Morgan’s twisted collection 

Picture: Crown OfficePicture: Crown Office
Picture: Crown Office

No one was found in the flat at the time but officers noticed drugs paraphernalia including needles and scales and so the flat became a crime scene.

Morgan was later picked up nearby and when officers found his stockpile, terror cops were called in.

Months of painstaking police work and interrogation followed, during which Morgan’s sickening views surfaced.

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He protested his innocence but jurors concluded he was planning terrorism attacks at his trial last month.

Peter Morgan.Peter Morgan.
Peter Morgan.

Sentencing Morgan yesterday, Lord Boyd told him: “What you are not entitled to do is to act on these views for the purpose of committing or preparing an act of terrorism.

“Of most concern is that you not only possessed the ingredients for the making of an improvised explosive device but you had begun to assemble it.”