Greens and wife to be evicted

Edinburgh Sheriff Court.Edinburgh Sheriff Court.
Edinburgh Sheriff Court.
The identical twin of Da Vinci Code rapist Robert Greens is to be booted out of his home for terrorising his Penicuik neighbours for three years.

Council bosses have won a court order to evict Richard Greens (39), and his wife Lee for being “neighbours from hell”. Complaints about their anti-social behaviour included drug use, violence, dogs barking, swearing and shouting, and lawn mowers and hoovers being used at night.

During a police raid on the property in 2015, ten grams of heroin was found and Lee Greens (37) was convicted of dealing drugs from the house. She was placed on a drug treatment and testing order.

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A sheriff has now ordered that the Greens be removed from the three bedroom semi-detached house in Penicuik following a hearing at Edinburgh Sheriff Court.

In a written ruling, Sheriff Thomas Welsh QC said: “Having heard the witnesses give evidence, I have no hesitation in accepting the witnesses of the pursuer as credible and reliable. I believe the anti-social behaviour has continued even after the drugs raid in May 2015.

“I did not believe Richard Greens. He was uncomfortable when cross examined and challenged. He repeatedly tried to minimise the level of disturbance at the property.

“I had particular regard to the nature, frequency and duration of this conduct in general which can only be described on the evidence as unrelenting and demoralising for the neighbours who have to live with and endure it.

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“I considered the conduct is entirely the responsibility of the defender and her husband. The neighbours are blameless in this affair. At least one neighbour did not want to come forward publicly to give evidence, from which I infer that person is afraid. I consider it reasonable to make the order.”

Following the sheriff’s ruling, the Greens have until November 10 to vacate the house which is let to them by Midlothian Council.