Midlothian Crimebeat March 21-27

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Here is your weekly round-up of crime in Midlothian, for March 21-27, as reported by Police Scotland.


Sometime between March 20 and 23, a black Volkswagon car parked in Lugton Brae was entered and items were stolen. Enquiries are ongoing.

In the early hours of Wednesday, March 23, an attempt was made to force entry to a garage in Claybarns, Danderhall by two men described as wearing black clothing and balaclavas. The men were disturbed by the alarm sounding and ran off. Enquiries ongoing.

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On the evening of Thursday, March 24, officers travelling behind a vehicle on Dalhousie Road could smell cannabis emanating from it. The vehicle was stopped and the 23 year old driver issued with a Recorded Police Warning after a small quantity of cannabis was found.

On Saturday, March 26, funded Midlothian Community Action Team officers stopped a vehicle in the area of Sheriffhall Roundabout due to the manner of driving. The two occupants were searched and the female passenger subsequently issued with a Recorded Police Warning after a small quantity of cannabis was found.


At around 8pm on Monday, March 21, a window at a property in Cook Crescent, Mayfield was damaged. Enquiries are ongoing.

On Tuesday, March 22, a report was received of a window at a property in Eighth Street, Newtongrange having been damaged. Enquiries are ongoing.

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Overnight March 22/ 23, a blue Mercedes parked in Eighth Street, Newtongrange was damaged. Enquiries are ongoing.

On the afternoon of Thursday, March 24, officers stopped a vehicle in Bryans Road, Newtongrange which was subsequently found to have no valid insurance. The driver was cautioned and charged in connection with the incident, a report will be submitted to the Procurator Fiscal.

On the evening of Sunday, March 27, a vehicle was stopped by police in Bogwood Road, Mayfield. The 33 year old man who failed the roadside breath test was cautioned and charged with various road traffic offences. He was also found to have an outstanding warrant and was held in custody to appear at court on Monday, March 28.


Sometime between 7.30pm on Monday 21st and midnight on Tuesday, March 22, a white Vauxhall Mocha parked in Gore Avenue had a window smashed. Enquiries are ongoing.