Police appeal over public toilet sex act

The incident happened at a public toilet in Taylor Gardens. Picture: GoogleThe incident happened at a public toilet in Taylor Gardens. Picture: Google
The incident happened at a public toilet in Taylor Gardens. Picture: Google
POLICE are hunting a man who carried out an 'indecent act' in front of another man in a public toilet in Leith.

The incident happened around 6.30pm on Sunday on Taylor Gardens on Great Junction Street.

The victim was said to have immediately left the area before contacting the alarm with police.

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Police are now pursuing a positive line of inquiry and are today appealing for the assistance of the public.

Detective Sergeant Keith Dickson of the Public Protection Unit said: “Although no one was physically harmed in this incident it did cause significant alarm and distress.

“From our inquiries so far we understand that other male adults were using the facilities around the time of this incident and may have information vital to our ongoing investigation.

“We’re pursuing a positive line of inquiry however it is absolutely crucial that we speak to those who were there at the time.

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“I urge them to please get in touch with police as soon as possible.”

Those who witnessed this incident or who have information are asked to contact police immediately on 101 or call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.