Prince Andrew must do the right thing and speak to US police – Angus Robertson

Prince Andrew was questioned over his involvement with Jeffrey Epstein on Newsnight. Picture: BBCPrince Andrew was questioned over his involvement with Jeffrey Epstein on Newsnight. Picture: BBC
Prince Andrew was questioned over his involvement with Jeffrey Epstein on Newsnight. Picture: BBC
Prince Andrew’s car-crash interview with Emily Maitlis raised more questions than answers, writes Angus Robertson.

You’ve heard it many times before. On television or radio, the interviewer asks an opening question and the interviewee says: “May I start by extending my sympathy/condolences/best wishes” etc.

It is, a basic ‘must do’, a media 101, the first thing that any communication adviser will insist on. It is what you must do if someone has died, if there has been a disaster, or if you have been the personal friend of a convicted paedophile and you are trying to explain yourself.

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The recent car-crash interview of Prince Andrew about his pal Jeffrey Epstein was truly appalling for many reasons, but it was the complete lack of empathy for the victims or acknowledgement of the horrific nature of Epstein’s crimes that stood out for me.

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Prince Andrew facing calls to give formal statement to US authorities examining ...

Instead of that we had excruciating replies to the forensic questions by interviewer Emily Maitlis which raise more questions than were answered.

For the avoidance of doubt, it is important to remember that Jeffrey Epstein is accused of scores of rapes of underage girls at his different properties in the United States, which the Duke of York visited.

Instead of facing justice, Epstein took his own life. Police investigations are continuing which is why this story will not go away.

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Prince Andrew now has a difficult decision. Either he chooses to proactively assist the US police inquiries or he faces the embarrassing prospect of being sought for questioning under oath.

Having mishandled things so badly with the interview, Prince Andrew has little option but to do the right thing. He must offer to assist the police with their enquiries and take the opportunity to express his regret to the victims of his friend’s crimes.