Shopkeeper stabbed in head during Edinburgh attempted murder

Zee Ahmed next to a blood stained stool his father Tahir Ahmed, 54, was sitting on when he was attacked by a machete wielding assailant . Picture: PAZee Ahmed next to a blood stained stool his father Tahir Ahmed, 54, was sitting on when he was attacked by a machete wielding assailant . Picture: PA
Zee Ahmed next to a blood stained stool his father Tahir Ahmed, 54, was sitting on when he was attacked by a machete wielding assailant . Picture: PA
An attack on a shopkeeper who suffered a fractured skull after being stabbed in the head twice with a machete is now being treated as attempted murder.

Tahir Ahmed was manning the till at his shop A&A Stores, on the corner of South Trinity Road and Cargill Terrace in Edinburgh, at around 5:20pm on Friday when the men confronted him and demanded money.

He tripped the silent alarm and tried to fight them off with a stool, before being stabbed during the third attempted armed robbery at his store in the space of year.

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Police described it as a “cowardly attack” and appealed for witnesses to the attempted robbery.

Yesterday, officers confirmed the incident is now being treated as attempted murder.

The 54-year-old victim, who locals described as “a pillar of the community”, is recovering in hospital after losing a lot of blood in the attack.

His son Zee said: “One guy was at the back of the shop, a younger fella, and another guy came in the door with a machete.

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“They went over to the fridge, grabbed a packet of sausages and said: ‘Hand the money over.’

“My dad hit the silent alarm and picked up the stool and threw it at them.

“There was a struggle beside the sweet stand, which was knocked over, and he was stabbed in the head twice in the temple area. He’s been left with a fractured skull.”

Both suspects wore dark clothing and dark woollen beanie hats and one was wearing a dark body warmer.

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The first is described as 20 to 25, of medium build, with a pale complexion and unshaven. The second suspect is described as 35 to 40, slim, with a pale complexion, gaunt features and unshaven.

Detective Sergeant Todd Rutherford, of Corstorphine CID, said: ‘’This was a cowardly attack, and the shopkeeper bravely fought off the attackers despite a shocking level of violence and the serious injuries he sustained.

‘’At the time of the incident, it is likely there would have been pedestrians and drivers in the Cargill Terrace area and we know the suspects were loitering near the shop before the incident took place.”