Teen thug hurled firework at East Lothian police officers

Firework similar to one thrown at police carFirework similar to one thrown at police car
Firework similar to one thrown at police car
A TEENAGE thug who threw a firework at a police car during a Bonfire Night disturbance last year has been fined.

Connor McLeod launched the device which exploded just two feet from their vehicle while two constables were sitting inside.

McLeod and two of his pals ran from the scene but the 19-year-old was soon caught after the officers gave chase following the incident in Tranent, East Lothian.

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The yob had a guilty plea to culpably and recklessly aiming the firework at the vehicle accepted by the Crown despite being absent from Edinburgh Sheriff Court.

In the firing line: Police Scotland officersIn the firing line: Police Scotland officers
In the firing line: Police Scotland officers

Procurator fiscal depute Jack Castor told the court the officers were attending a separate incident at the town’s Loch Centre at around 9.40pm on November 5 last year.

While the two officers were within their vehicle and after McLeod and two others were spotted nearby “a lit firework was set off and landed approximately two feet from their vehicle and exploded”.

The three males ran off and when McLeod was soon captured the window cleaner was said to have admitted his guilt straight away and “apologised to the officers”.

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Defending solicitor Mary Moultrie said McLeod was 18 at the time and put the incident down to “immaturity” on her client’s part.

Yob was sentenced at Edinburgh Sheriff CourtYob was sentenced at Edinburgh Sheriff Court
Yob was sentenced at Edinburgh Sheriff Court

Sheriff Douglas Keir said it was “a very serious matter” but added: “He can thank his lucky stars this was not more serious.”

McLeod was fined £150. He pleaded guilty to culpably and recklessly igniting and aiming fireworks at a police vehicle and cause the fireworks to land close to the vehicle at Blawearie Road, Tranent, on November 5 last year.

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