Leith man cycles 4,100 miles across America for cancer charity

Micah Stanbridge
 cycled across the USA.Micah Stanbridge
 cycled across the USA.
Micah Stanbridge cycled across the USA.
A FUNDRAISING photographer has returned from a mammoth 4,100-mile cycle ride across America for charity.

Tough terrain, mechanical mishaps and dodgy detours are just some of the obstacles Micah Stanbridge overcame on his six-week odyssey.

The 36-year-old from Leith was raising cash for blood cancer charity Anthony Nolan.

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Micha says: “My mother survived blood cancer thanks to a donor match found through Anthony Nolan and I sadly lost a close friend, Tom, to a similar disease in 2012.

I wanted to set myself a challenge and that’s what I got. The toughest part was in Kansas where I experienced relentless headwinds which wore me down. I’ve climbed around 170,000 feet in six weeks but it is incredibly rewarding. I was fortunate that it only rained for 10 minutes in the whole six weeks and suffered just one puncture.”

Micah is now more than halfway to his £15,000 target after setting up an online fundraising page for people to donate. He has raised £7,785 so far.

“A huge thank you to everyone who has supported me, donated, shared my story and signed up to be a potential stem cell or bone marrow donor,” he said. “Thousands continue to fight, and for many finding a suitable stem cell donor is their only hope. Every penny I’ve raised can save a life.”

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Micah set out on the Trans­America Trail last month, a route that traverses west to east across America.

He saddled up in Astoria, Oregon, on the north west coast, before heading through the Rockies, taking in the ­Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks.

He then rode across the great plains and finally the Appalachian Mountains, cycling about 150 miles and ten hours every day.

Back home a little weary but elated this week, Micah said it was all worth while to raise money for a life-saving cause.

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Mum Sheena McCurrach said: “I’m very proud of him – I can’t believe what he’s achieved.”

The charity aims to help patients with blood cancer or blood disorder by matching stem donors to those who need a lifesaving transplant.

It also carries out cutting edge research, funds specialist post-transplant nurses and supports patients and their families through the transplant process.

Rowena Bentley, senior community fundraising manager at Anthony Nolan said: “We are delighted Micah has completed what has been an epic cycle in aid of Anthony Nolan, and can’t thank him enough for taking on such a momentous challenge.

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“Fundraising is vital to our work and the money raised by Micah will enable us to recruit potential stem cell donors to the Anthony Nolan register.”

To make a donation, visit: www.justgiving.com/fundraising/supermarrowman

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