Muirfield Golf Club members banned from bench by '˜female population of Edinburgh'

Meg Clements-Paterson looks at the plaque. Picture: SWNSMeg Clements-Paterson looks at the plaque. Picture: SWNS
Meg Clements-Paterson looks at the plaque. Picture: SWNS
Members of a golf club which banned female members have been excluded from sitting on a park bench after a cheeky plaque was installed on behalf of the 'female population of Edinburgh'.

Muirfield Golf Club in Gullane was at the centre of a huge controversy in the summer when members held a vote on female membership.

They decided against allowing women to become members, returning a vote of 64 per cent for and 36 per cent against - just short of a two-thirds majority needed to change its constitution.

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And the resulting worldwide condemnation from the vote led to the club - which is one of Scotland’s last male-only golf clubs - being stripped of its chance to host the Open.

But now, a bold plaque has appeared on a bench in Edinburgh’s West Princes Street Gardens which “excludes” members of Muirfield from sitting on it.

The mystery plaque, which was spotted over the weekend and tweeted by Heart Scotland News, says: “The members of Muirfield Golf Club are hereby excluded from sitting on this bench. By the order of the female population.”

A post featuring a picture of the plaque on Facebook has gone viral, after being shared nearly 2,000 times and liked by 8,000 people.

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Comments range from people wholeheartedly agreeing with the sentiments of the plaque, to others branding it sexist.

Jason Davis commented: “Why can’t men have a men only club? Why do women feel the need to protest and force their way in? There are many many women only clubs (including golf clubs) and these don’t make headlines.

“Sometimes men want a space away from women, as women do away from men. Doesn’t mean its sexist or a bad thing!”

Gil Thomson wrote: “A not unreasonable request as the ‘ female population of Edinburgh’ have obviously paid for the bench.

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“However as the ‘gentleman members of Muirfield Golf Club’ started the club and have been responsible for its upkeep throughout the years is it unreasonable for them to decide who should play on their course?”

But David Rees said: “They define their club as ‘the home of honourable golfers’ ? Guess they have had an irony by pass, in the belief that irons are male? Bet if he were around today Tommy Morris would have shaken the old farts up.”

And Fiona Grant simply wrote: “This is QUALITY. Hope its real! Get in ladies!!”

Stuart G McEwen, Secretary of The Honourable Company of Edinburgh Golfers said the club did not want to comment.