Adam McVey as Jesus? Perish the thought! – John McLellan

Neil Ross was portrayed as St Jude  - the patron saint of lost causesNeil Ross was portrayed as St Jude  - the patron saint of lost causes
Neil Ross was portrayed as St Jude - the patron saint of lost causes
The Evening News’ front page depicting Edinburgh councillors as diners at the Last Supper had Adam McVey as Jesus, notes John McLellan.

Congratulations to the Evening News for an eye-catching “Not the Last Supper” front page on the saga of Edinburgh councillors’ free lunches. In my time I can’t remember many Renaissance art experts or biblical scholars on staff, so I assume councillors’ faces were stuck on disciples’ bodies at random.

That’s apart from SNP Cllr Adam McVey as Jesus, of course… because he’s the leader, not because he’s holier than thou. Perish the thought. He’s not the Messiah, etc…

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But how apt that the man who tried and failed to have the free lunches scrapped, Lib Dem Neil Ross, is St Jude, the patron saint of lost causes.

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Free lunches worth £18,000 for Edinburgh councillors back on the table after pla...

Culture and communities convener Donald Wilson as St Bartholomew? He was skinned alive and is the patron saint of leather tanners, so perhaps it’s appropriate after the hiding he’s been taking over the Christmas Market. Hung out to dry, some might say.

I could think of a few more appropriate candidates for Simon the Zealot than our Nick Cook, but Labour’s Karen Doran as Doubting Thomas? Possibly, if doubting the City Chambers Quadrangle smoking ban counts.

James, son of Alphaeus aka Lord Provost Frank Ross? Nope, James is one for the theologians as is James the Greater, alias Tory group leader Iain Whyte.

But who is Judas Iscariot, betrayer of Jesus for 30 pieces of silver? That would be housing convener Kate Campbell. Like I said, all chosen entirely at random.