Greggs, for the love of God, give me a cheese and bean bite - Hayley Matthews

Please Greggs, help us out and bring back your cheese and bean bites. We miss them, writes Hayley Matthews.Please Greggs, help us out and bring back your cheese and bean bites. We miss them, writes Hayley Matthews.
Please Greggs, help us out and bring back your cheese and bean bites. We miss them, writes Hayley Matthews.
I totally get that there are shortages of some items at the moment but there's one item that has left a lot of Scots with serious withdrawal symptoms.

I'm talking serious hankerings and cravings for a certain item. Some of your might think this sounds silly but I'm not the only person who is spinning out about the fact I can't get my hands on a Greggs "cheese and bean bite" - otherwise known as a cheese and bean pasty, a cheesy bean bake or cheese and what ever you want to call it.

Whatever it’s called, I think most will know what I'm talking about. They're the pasties with the cheese, beans and sausages all melted and then stuffed in puff pastry. Every Greggs we've tried recently, we just can't get one. I've been in Greggs about four times in the last two weeks – i'm trying to puff out for the winter - and we never seem to have any luck. I've also witnessed lots of people asking for cheese and bean bites in Greggs and I can completely sympathise with the disappointment on their face when they're told "sorry we can't get them". Our two boys enjoy them as an easy dinner when we are all in a rush and they want something warm to eat. So please Greggs if you're reading this, for the love of God, just buy a tin of beans and sausages, grate some cheese and stick it in your pasties. We'll all be happier people for it!

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