Fiona Duff: Dogged persistence pays off for Dan

Fiona Duff luckily had pet insurance to offset vet billFiona Duff luckily had pet insurance to offset vet bill
Fiona Duff luckily had pet insurance to offset vet bill
Sometimes serendipity is the right word to describe something. You know, when a few things collide and it's a brilliant outcome.

I was off to North Berwick yesterday taking Daniel the Spaniel yet again to the dental vet. For a change my friend was at the house she owns in the lovely town and when I awoke there was a text from her suggesting that I brought my sunglasses and some factor 30 sun cream. Because when I looked outside it was glorious.

So while the dog was having the few gnashers left in his mouth inspected, I was lying in her garden eating salad and having a right good chinwag. There was a point when we thought we might have to adjourn indoors as it was so warm – perhaps I should have worn shorts rather than a pair of black jeans. I shall try to remember the next time.

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Then there was a call from the vet to say that my four legged friend was ready for collection. I walked in with my credit card twitching and wondering how on earth he would be able to eat (or keep his tongue in his mouth) as they had reckoned it was likely that the rest of his teeth would be extracted. But that was not the case. It was a gold star for yours truly for applying all the various medications to his mouth for the past couple of months and extremely healthy gums for Dan.

So while the bill was still quite steep, it wasn’t the price of a summer holiday. To be honest, I only have to pay 20 per cent as when he was a pup my husband had the foresight to take out pet insurance.

Mind you, I don’t think that Pet Plan are quite as happy with the decision as they are the ones footing the majority of the bill.

So everyone happy – except the insurance company and that’s just fine by me.

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