Leader: Tributes show football at its best

A minute's silence is being held for Shaun Woodburn.A minute's silence is being held for Shaun Woodburn.
A minute's silence is being held for Shaun Woodburn.
Football and football fans in particular can often get a bad rep.

In truth, problems are only ever caused by a minority, as the vast majority who go to games are there to enjoy themselves, to be part of a community celebrating the beautiful game.

Today, we see football at its most beautiful.

The tragic death of Shaun Woodburn has touched fans all over the country.

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It’s clear the former junior footballer, who died on New Year’s Day, was well known and loved by many.

What a fantastic move for all junior games in the East region to this weekend stage a minute’s silence in his memory. Hibs also joined the tribute with a minute’s applause in the 30th minute of their game against Dundee United.

It is a small gesture but one which will undoubtedly be appreciated by Shaun’s family and friends as they come to terms with such an unimaginable tragedy.

Chasing council tax

As Edinburgh faces up to rising council tax bills, the revelation that £25 million remains outstanding will jar with many.

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We reveal today that city bosses have lodged 63,712 court actions for non-payment of council tax since 1995 – more than 3000 a year on average - and £25,034,498 of tax currently remains unpaid, depriving the Capital of a vital source of income at a time of swingeing cuts.

Now we know not everyone is in a position to pay but it surely must be a priority to pursue those who can but are wilfully avoiding the charge.

As Gavin Corbett points out today, that £25m is potentially enough to build three new primary schools. He also points out that Edinburgh’s council tax bands are woefully out of date, an issue more keenly felt in Edinburgh.

No one likes paying tax but let’s ensure it’s fair for everyone.