Royal Family in crisis after series of Oprah interview revelations- your views online

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have plunged the monarchy into a crisis, accusing an un-named royal of racism, suggesting the family were jealous of Meghan and revealing how she contemplated taking her own life while pregnant. (Joe Pugliese via Getty Images)The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have plunged the monarchy into a crisis, accusing an un-named royal of racism, suggesting the family were jealous of Meghan and revealing how she contemplated taking her own life while pregnant. (Joe Pugliese via Getty Images)
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have plunged the monarchy into a crisis, accusing an un-named royal of racism, suggesting the family were jealous of Meghan and revealing how she contemplated taking her own life while pregnant. (Joe Pugliese via Getty Images)
"So much for wanting to leave so they were not in the public eye and have their family life. What a performance!”

Meghan and Harry

Royal Family in crisis after series of Oprah interview revelations

Liza Miles

Who cares? I wish everyone would stop giving them air time. They said they wanted a quiet life, lol. And as for the others at Buck Pal - time's up, the world has moved on.

Diane Hutt

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So much for wanting to leave so they were not in the public eye and have their family life. What a performance!

Lalie Poppy

And the same Meghan said she'd been warmly welcomed in the family and also that the Queen told her they had a dark-skinned princess among their ancestors.… She also seems to forget she had tough family issues in her own family.

David Gray

Of course it’s totally fair throwing wild accusations being interviewed by your best friend with no right to reply. This is just farcical.

Claire Reid

No need for royals in this day and age. We need to leave them in history and move with the times.

David Wood

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I really couldn’t care less. I’ve never understood all the obsequiousness toward the royal family.

Klaus Knust

It’s time the people learn about the truth about the royals, as there seems to be over protective rules for them and then rules for others.

Iain Petrie

Scrap the lot of them and use the money to pay our nurses, infinitely more important people.

Graeme Anthony Laird

All one sided for a story and more tabloid mags, TV mini series and eventually a book and a movie from the beginning to the big divorce on the horizon and him whimpering back into the family he's slating. Give it a year or so be the big headlines. It's only Hollywood or Bollywood. Personally wouldn't watch it and give them the media coverage.

Adrian Bayne

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We have over 250k homeless and over 1m kids relying on food banks across the UK,yet as taxpayers we are paying to keep a family in ultra wealth.

Scott Knox

Best if these two just stay out of the media. She is a good actress, but goodbye; give them no money, no titles, no security.

Derek Allan

Shouldn't need a royal family in a modern democracy.

Davie Black

All about the Windsors and zero about the Markles. That's a very fair reflection on this pair of runaways. And two weddings? Apparently the £30m affair was just meaningless pomp and ceremony, for the deed was already done three days before, in their back 'yard', with no witnesses. Can you please repay the British public every penny of that £30m that you did not need to spend?

Lorraine Smith

What happened to their quiet life away from public eye ? Seems to me they just want to make more money! She could have saved herself all this if she had walked away before the fairytale wedding etc! Sorry, but I don't think they deserve airtime!

Joseph Kellie

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What makes you think Megan is or was popular with the British people? She is a drama queen and to compare her to Diana is ridiculous.

Ian Russell

In these troubling times I am shocked to see Harry and Megan turn the attention on themselves in this manner. A more privileged pair you couldn't meet. So it looks like this is how they are going to make their income, from chat shows and the like. It really sickens me that this is how low people will go to make a living. At the end of the day who really cares? Don't worry, be happy.

Robert Murphy

The rump of the decaying Brexit UK!

Victoria McIntosh

Boohoo, greeting. I am sick of the whole story, just shut up. Everybody has had a time of crisis in their lifve but we don't all go and air our lives on public TV shows. Over privileged idiots who want to moan about their "not so perfect lives" - get real.

Catherine Wilkinson

Harry has made a very big mistake doing this interview! Be interesting to see where he is in five years time!

Caroline Smith

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What have they got to cry about, they have everything – what about the poor?

Anne Bleazard

For God’s sake, they say they are not publicity seeking but I’ve lost all sympathy with them following this. Just get on with your lives and keep your counsel. Why do this? It’s disgraceful as they know that the Queen can’t answer back. Despicable behaviour. I did sympathise with them to a certain extent but not now. So so sad...