Latest Midlothian job market figures

Stock photo of the Job Centre in John St, Penicuik.Stock photo of the Job Centre in John St, Penicuik.
Stock photo of the Job Centre in John St, Penicuik.
The number of people in Midlothian seeking work has fallen dramatically, according to the latest figures.

The Alternative Claimant Count for 2021 showed 1690 people looking for work in the county, down by 1172 (41 per cent) in a year. This is slightly higher than the Scotland-wide drop of 36 per cent.

While the latest number of Universal Credit Claimants in Midlothian, for January 2022, rose slightly, from 7,809 in December to 7,851, a rise of 0.5 per cent, compared to the UK rise of 0.1 per cent.

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Jobcentre Plus held a successful Disability Confident Event in East and Midlothian last month, with over 50 people from various businesses registering their interest in providing support.

Colin Proc, employer and partnership manager for Mid and East Lothian, said: “Our dedicated Work Coaches in Dalkeith and Penicuik Jobcentres are working flat out to help people get back into work, as we bounce back from the pandemic. We want people to know we’re there for them, and that we’re working with local employers to identify and help fill their vacancies in all sectors, but especially key industries.

“The good thing is that there are jobs out there, and the latest figures show the number of online job adverts in Scotland has risen by 13.3 per cent since Covid.

"Following the success of the Kickstart Programme we have had a Young Person who was employed by Midlothian Council as a Information Analyst who has now secured a permanent position with University of Edinburgh as a technician.”