Spread a little kindness this New Year in Midlothian by volunteering

Kate Keir is pictured on the right with another ward helper, Liz Ogilvie.Kate Keir is pictured on the right with another ward helper, Liz Ogilvie.
Kate Keir is pictured on the right with another ward helper, Liz Ogilvie.
After an incredible effort to pull together at the start of the pandemic, residents are once again being asked to consider how they might spread a little kindness this New Year.

Midlothian Council and Midlothian Health and Social Care Partnership are joining forces with voluntary organisations to encourage local people to give a few hours of their time for the benefit of our community.

A number of voluntary and paid roles are available across Midlothian, many of which require a time commitment of just a couple of hours a week.

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Voluntary roles currently open include passenger assistants for transport to and from Broomhill day centre; hospital ward helpers; Ageing Well walk or activity leaders; fancy a blether? Befrienders and many more.

Kate Keir, who has volunteered as a ward helper at Midlothian Community Hospital for the past two years said: “I volunteer because as well as helping out at the hospital, it also gets me out the house so it’s a win-win situation. The best thing about volunteering is the feeling I get knowing I have helped in some small way.

“I would encourage others to volunteer because it makes you feel good knowing you have given something back.”

Council leader Derek Milligan said: “It’s been a really difficult time for everyone, but particularly our older and more vulnerable residents and there’s still a big need for us all to be thinking of each other.

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"If you can spare an hour or two a week, there are lots of opportunities to volunteer your time and give back to the community. I’d encourage everyone to take a look at www.midlothian.gov.uk/kindness-midlothian to see if any of the roles appeal.”

Lesley Kelly, chief officer, Volunteer Midlothian added: “You might decide you can only commit to something informally and that’s great, even small acts of kindness can make a big impact on someone’s life.

“But perhaps you have some spare time and can make a longer term commitment. Whether that’s volunteering on a ward at the local hospital for a couple of hours a week, or having a weekly blether on the phone with someone who could use a friend – there are lots of ways to make a difference.”