'Three opportunities missed by spineless council' - Reactions to Underbelly boss threatening cancellation of Edinburgh's Christmas Market three times

Underbellys director threatened to cancel Edinburghs Christmas Market and Hogmanay three times as tense negotiations over the so-called space deck endangered the Capitals festive celebrations.Underbellys director threatened to cancel Edinburghs Christmas Market and Hogmanay three times as tense negotiations over the so-called space deck endangered the Capitals festive celebrations.
Underbellys director threatened to cancel Edinburghs Christmas Market and Hogmanay three times as tense negotiations over the so-called space deck endangered the Capitals festive celebrations.
Readers have been scathing of the correspondence obtained by the Evening News which lays bare the fraying relationship between Edinburgh City Council and Underbelly.

Underbelly’s director threatened to cancel Edinburgh’s Christmas Market and Hogmanay three times as tense negotiations over the so-called ‘space deck’ endangered the Capital’s festive celebrations.

Emails and letters obtained by the Evening News paint a picture of Edinburgh City Council and Underbelly facing significant internal and external pressure with relationships beginning to strain to “breaking point” as the scandal which rocked both organisations took hold.

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They also lay bare Underbelly’s concerns about the potential loss of their Hogmanay headliner Mark Ronson, the impact of National Galleries of Scotland (NGS) works on the events, and over environmental concerns highlighted by the council, with director Charlie Wood in one exchange describing them as “cr*p”.

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Underbelly boss threatened cancellation of Edinburgh's Christmas Market three ti...

The correspondence shows Mr Wood threatened the council with the cancellation of the Christmas Market and Hogmanay three times in 2019 in May, June and November last year, the last just ten days before the market was due to open.

Reader Reactions

But Evening News readers have been reacting to the news today...

On Facebook, David Storie said: "I'm sure there are local events companies that could handle Hogmanay and the x-mas markets, in fact I bet they'd make a better job of it starting by having the proper planning permission in place.

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"Let's face it, the acts aren't exactly top table are they??? Cant actually remember a time when I thought to myself I must get tickets for the street party. Time to turn Underbelly's lights off and support local business rather than Etonian c*ckwombles."

Frank Ferri said: "Hey.... Who's waggin' who's tail here... It's the council that hands out permission and licenses …. The city functioned all by its self long before Underbelly, so get on yir bike ……. Any future contract with them should include the costs of reinstatement of that part of East Princes St Gardens used for the market, if not I'm sure the Council could organise a self funding in house group to run all festive functions and keep the profits."

Richard Haigh said: "Let baby throw his toys out of the pram. It won’t take more than a month to find a replacement to run an event in prime city centre real estate at Christmas."

Lorraine McKendrick said: "Well, if council reading this they can assume that we the public are telling them, rip up the contract with Underbelly now, not later, now. Regardless of all the discussions and threats it still was allowed to go ahead without planning consent which was illegal.

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"Underbelly make no apology for this. Underbelly have just proved in all this it's all about them and they will do what they want or throw a hissy fit. The council have proved how in Underbelly's pocket they are. Get rid of Underbelly now, they broke contract with not having planning consent so no compensation to be paid for cancellation etc. Tourists will still come to our City in their droves whether no market or smaller Christmas market with Scottish flavour."

Grace Davidson said: "Time for the council to look elsewhere for a company to run the market next year!"

Jon Clark said: "Does anyone actually believe that without Mark Ronson that Edinburgh wouldn’t attract droves of Tourists at Christmas?????

"Edinburgh has attracted huge numbers of tourists based in the beauty and historical attractions and will continue to do so with or with a Xmas Market and definitely without Mark Ronson. The assertion that this nonsense is key to the success of Edinburgh ........ ridiculous."

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And on twitter, readers were equally scathing of the email content.

@iain4546 said: "If he threatened it 3 times that's 3 opportunities missed by the spineless council to tell him to f**k off."

Another, @TartantuesdayI said: "Call me radical, but all council communications should be in the public domain including financials. If you don't want the public to know what you are saying or how much profit you make then there is a simple answer - go make your money somewhere else."