Hundreds protest against Donald Trump in Edinburgh

Donald TrumpDonald Trump
Donald Trump
Hundreds of people marched to the Scottish Parliament in a new protest against US President Donald Trump's travel ban.

Crowds chanting “Say it loud, say it clear, refugees are welcome here” headed down the Royal Mile to the parliament shortly before noon on Saturday.

Protesters carried placards reading “Scotland for immigrant justice – ban Trump”, “No tangerine man, no Muslim ban” and “United we stand”.

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The protest was organised by American student Celia Gonzalez who compared the ban to the rise of Nazism.

She said: “Donald Trump wants to ban people from certain countries that happen to be majority Muslim – except for those with whom he has business dealings – from entering the USA.

“This is unconscionable and against the values America stands on. It is reminiscent of the demonising of Jews in Hitler’s Germany. We, decent human beings, will not stand for it. We are with our Muslim brothers and sisters. We will fight for them.”

Organisations including the Muslim Women’s Association of Edinburgh and Scotland Against Criminalising Communities (SACC) took part.

Richard Haley, of SACC, said: “What is really important is that people everywhere stand in solidarity and in opposition to racism in the United States.”