Positive lifestyle changes praised

Isabel Lean with Ryan Ferguson, Michael Tetlow, Andrew Steven and Allan BlairIsabel Lean with Ryan Ferguson, Michael Tetlow, Andrew Steven and Allan Blair
Isabel Lean with Ryan Ferguson, Michael Tetlow, Andrew Steven and Allan Blair
More than 116 Midlothian Active Choices clients and families attended the MAC Star Awards to support the physical activity referral service for adults with chronic illness, moderate mental health conditions and weight management issues.

Awards were presented to Carole Stewart, Ann White, Michelle Bradford, Irene Laptchuka and Thomas Morrison, who have lost weight, become more mobile, improved their mood and, in some cases, reduced or stopped medications.

The service is funded through the Integrated Health Care Fund and is based on the objectives of the National Physical Activity Strategy ‘Let’s Make Scotland More Active’ and the Midlothian Joint Health Improvement Plan.

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Midlothian Active Choices co-ordinator Isabel Lean said: “MAC is not totally responsible for all these changes enjoyed by the winners but it is a stepping stone in helping people build confidence in themselves and their abilities so they can then take back some control of their lives.

“Sometimes a person just needs someone to listen to them, someone to give them a bit of time and encouragement, to tell them that there is something they can do to make positive changes in their lives and that it can actually be fun. One person’s dream may be to be fitter or lose weight or to be healthier, another’s may be to simply be able to play with their grandchildren or go out more and meet new friends.

“For me, it has been a pleasure to meet so many lovely people and see them change their lives. It never ceases to amaze me where people find the strength from to pick themselves up and get through some really tough times. To see someone initially in a state of despair and then six or nine months later see them smiling and laughing is the reason I do my job.”

Further information on the programme can be obtained by contacting Isabel on 0131 561 6507 or by emailing [email protected] or or [email protected]

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