'Lockdown relegation party', Hearts will stay up with reconstruction' - Hibs fans have say on SPFL decision and rival's relegation

Hibs fans had their say on the SPFL decision to relegate Hearts. Picture: SNSHibs fans had their say on the SPFL decision to relegate Hearts. Picture: SNS
Hibs fans had their say on the SPFL decision to relegate Hearts. Picture: SNS | Other 3rd Party
Hibs fans had their say on the SPFL’s decision to terminate the 2019/2020 Scottish Premiership season

Nick Maycock: “Not expelled, relegated which is what happens to teams at the bottom of the leagues.”

Eric MacLeod: “I quite like the sound of “expelled”.... Bad ‘uns, delinquents, ner do wells, unwelcome, not wanted.”

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@Mysteron1959: “Although I'm from the other side of Edinburgh than Hearts, I don't want Hearts to go down this way. They should promote the top two teams in each league to league above, with no relegation and allow Brora Rangers and Kelty Hearts into Division Two.”

@sjmiller68: “A bag of lemons couldn’t get the smile off my face today.”

@MatttQuinn: “Weather warning. Severe floods forecast in Gorgie area of Edinburgh.”

Alan Laidlaw: “Winning 4 games out of 30 is what got them relegated.”

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Steven Lumsden: “I’ve got a great idea. We can reconstruct the league.

“Nah, you’re alright Ann.

“Hold on. I’ve got another great idea. We can reconstruct the league.”

Mark Glover: “They chose to ‘relegate’ them because they were in the relegation spot when the season ended. That the season ended prematurely is immaterial.”

John McSherry: “Guaranteed Hertzzz will stay up with reconstruction.”

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Eddie Kershaw: “Had Hibs beat Hearts at Easter Road back in September then Levein would’ve been sacked 5 weeks earlier. I like to think that that Hearts win is what eventually got them where they are today.”

Sharon Mcaloon: “Lockdown relegation party bye bye Hearts.”

@RobbieSincIair: “And in the first round of the 2020/21 Tunnock's Caramel Wafer Challenge Cup, Heart of Midlothian will play...Hibernian U21s"

@longbangers: “Wait till Hearts try to trigger relegation clauses in contracts and the players all say "but we were expelled". Anyway, on to more pressing matters. Hibs finished 7th under the points per game method, meaning (I think) we are the ONLY side to have lost money due, based on league position at the time the season was suspended. As the ONLY club who could justifiably claim to have been unfairly impacted, I can't say how proud I am of the club to be taking the hit with no fuss, drama, statements, or tantrums, having unarguably acted in the very best interests of Scottish football throughout this, from the original vote, to reconstruction, to ending the season.”

@BazzaBazra: “Hamilton survive yet again. Ffs Hearts.”

@TaxiForShanksy: “But but but....What about reconstruction again? But but but....5-1....FIVE ONE!!!!! But but but....it’s not relegation, it’s demotion/expulsion.”

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Rick Capaldi: “Reconstructing the league could still be a possibility but bringing a club back up that has just been put down is not the way to go about it. That would be unfair. If reconstruction becomes an option then Hearts should still remain in the Championship.”

Gary Aitchison: “Just not good enough throughout the season.. 4 wins in 30 games, come on what do you expect? Oh let’s reconstruct the league and save our a**es. Don’t think so.”

Raymond Douglas: “Industry and business across the UK and the world are losing money (millions) not just Hearts, they got themselves into that position.”