England Counties 45, Scotland Club XV 28

Jordan Edmunds scored two tries for Scotland.  Picture Ian RutherfordJordan Edmunds scored two tries for Scotland.  Picture Ian Rutherford
Jordan Edmunds scored two tries for Scotland. Picture Ian Rutherford
England Counties got revenge for last year's defeat in Gala by beating the Scotland Club XV in Birmingham.

The hosts took the lead in the fourth minute with a try before Scotland centre George Taylor’s converted effort made it 7-7.

England then went back ahead but a brilliant converted effort by visiting winger Jordan Edmunds made it 14-14.

That was the way it stayed at half-time.

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Edmunds, the Boroughmuir flyer, then scored his second as the visitors led 21-14.

However, as the hour approached England went back ahead 24-21 thanks to a penalty and a converted try.

Just after the 60-minute mark they scored a well worked team try which was converted to stretch the advantage to 31-21.

England then added two more scores before Currie prop John Cox, a replacement, added another converted score as the match finished 45-28 to the home side.