Edinburgh-made haggis shortbread could be Scotland's next quirky delicacy

Shortbread and tablet from Pinnies & Poppy Seeds bakeryShortbread and tablet from Pinnies & Poppy Seeds bakery
Shortbread and tablet from Pinnies & Poppy Seeds bakery
Could Edinburgh-made haggis-flavoured shortbread be set to rival the deep-fried Mars Bar as Scotland's next quirky delicacy?

A new collaboration between independent bakery Pinnies & Poppy Seeds and Scottish Blend Tea has seen the creation of a bespoke range of shortbread treats, featuring flavours such as Irn Bru, haggis spice and black pepper and crowdie.

Following a successful test run to celebrate St Andrew’s Day, baker Jennifer Hunter hopes the unusual collection will prove equally popular for Hogmanay and Burns Night.

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It was her passion for baking and the quest for more interesting shortbread that inspired Jennifer to launch her own business in 2011. Her shop in St Mary’s Street, just off the Royal Mile, now specialises in hand-made, small batch shortbread, mixing the traditional with the unconventional.

The latest collaboration sought to pair her buttery biscuits with the perfect cuppa for a Scottish celebration.

“We were thrilled with the reaction to our Scottish Blend Tea shortbread flavours; the Haggis Spice and Irn Bru seemed to be particular favourites,” says Jennifer.

“We wanted to put our twist on the classic, of course, and our specially made flavours are Scottish to the core. A number of new and regular customers have inquired about the possibility of making them regulars.”

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With its ever-changing line up, the shop is already a favoured destination for shortbread enthusiasts in search of exclusive gifts.

“We love that people embrace the adventurous spirit of Pinnies & Poppy Seeds. We are always excited to try something new, even if it might be a bit weird,” adds Jennifer.

“I think people feel particularly nostalgic during events like Hogmanay and love to take a bite of something so familiar and quintessentially Scottish.”

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