Steve Cardownie: Jimmy Page's place in Edinburgh's musical history

Jimmy Page plays guitar with Led Zeppelin in 1985 (Picture: AP)Jimmy Page plays guitar with Led Zeppelin in 1985 (Picture: AP)
Jimmy Page plays guitar with Led Zeppelin in 1985 (Picture: AP)
While reminiscing with some mates about the Edinburgh music scene of bygone years, the usual names were being bandied about.

After discussing the likes of The Writing On the Wall, Bilbo Baggins, Paper Chase, East West, I threw in The McKinlays, my two cousins who were sisters from Gilmerton.

I informed my fellow imbibers that they had released some singles in the 1960s, sang with Wings and The James Last Orchestra and that they appeared on Ready, Steady, Go hosted by Cathy McGowan.

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Boleskine House, former home of Jimmy Page, destroyed by fire

On being called upon to provide some proof, I responded by summoning Google to my rescue.

Not only was I able to show them some footage, I was also able to tell them that the guitarist who played on their single “Sweet and Tender Romance” was none other than Jimmy Page. Yes, The Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin fame!

Google you are a godsend.

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