Highlander star Christopher Lambert heads to Edinburgh for Comic Con Scotland

Christopher Lambert
Pic: Studio Canal/REX/ShutterstockChristopher Lambert
Pic: Studio Canal/REX/Shutterstock
Christopher Lambert Pic: Studio Canal/REX/Shutterstock
HIGHLANDER legend Christopher Lambert is to make his first ever Scottish convention appearance in Edinburgh this October.

The French actor who is best known as Connor MacLeod in the cult adventure-fantasy film will appear alongside a host of stars from the Nineties at Comic Con Scotland.

The event, set to run from 12 to 13 October at the Royal Highland Centre, Ingliston, will also feature Fresh Prince of Bel Air’s Hilary, actress Karyn Parsons.

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Joining her will be Tim Rose who played Admiral Ackbar in Star Wars, Ray Park who was Darth Maul and Jason David Frank from Power Rangers.

More guests are yet to be announced.

Attracting the stars is a labour of love for Andy Kleek, main organiser of Monopoly Events, who says, “I have an inner passion for these events.

“It’s always nice when you can do something you love and you tend to make a good job of it as you are so passionate about it.

“I like to think we put on good events that offer much more than your average comic con.”

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One of 15 events Kleek stages each year, a lot of work goes into bringing Comic Con Scotland to Edinburgh.

He elaborates, “Most nights I’m working until 4am then up at 7am. I am up most of the night talking to American agents and guests as they are six to eight hours behind us.

“There’s no gain without pain though.”

That gain was obvious last year when Kleek secured the services of a raft of celebrities, including Baywatch legend The Hoff, the original Hulk Lou Ferrigno, Ghostbusters’ Ernie Hudson, ET actor Henry Thomas and the seventh Doctor Who Slyvester McCoy.

The challenge this year is to better that.

“I want to build on the solid foundation we laid and we have moved to a bigger venue now where we can really show people what we can do.

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“This year will see more prop and set builds, big gaming areas, and more huge guests.”

So how does Kleek decide who will be a big draw?

“A lot of research goes into certain bookings but as I am a fan myself, I have a knowledge and a lot of bookings are personal favourites,” he says.

“Nostalgia guests always do well but it’s crazy to be booking people you watched on TV as a kid.”

The best guests are the ones who interact and are pleasant with fans he says, adding, “Luckily we do get a lot of super friendly guests on our shows.”

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And the organiser will be hoping for a repeat of his favourite moment from last year.

“Visiting Edinburgh Castle with all my guests and going for a meal with them in the Witchery, those are magical memories I will never forget.

“Moments like that make doing it all worth it.”

Comic Con Scotland, Royal Highland Centre, Ingliston, 12-13 October, Weekend ticket £35. 20/£11 5-9 year olds, Day tickets £16.50-£22/£5.50 5-9 year olds, Under 5s free, www.comicconventionscotland.co.uk

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