Trust’s online book club is a net gain for keen readers

an online book club has been launched by the Edinburgh-based Scottish Book Trust.

Book Talk is designed to give readers the chance to share their love of books from the comfort of their home.

The site includes podcast discussions, in-depth interviews with authors and reviews, along with related discussions on Facebook and Twitter. Groups can also apply to be Book Club of the Month and submit their own reviews.

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Trust CEO Marc Lambert said: “The spectacular rise of social networks over the past few years has provided people from all walks of life with an instant platform for their opinions, and instant access to scores of like-minded individuals.

“This has led to an explosion of conversation between people who otherwise would never have met. We are keen for Book Talk to become a hub for the online book conversations that are happening across Scotland,.”

Find the site at www.scottish and follow @Booktalk_SBT on Twitter.