Edinburgh runner up in TripAdvisor's top destination awards

Picture: TSPLPicture: TSPL
Picture: TSPL
Users of popular review website TripAdvisor have named Edinburgh as their second favourite city in a list of the top ten UK destinations

Losing out to London, which claimed the top spot, Edinburgh was one of only two Scottish cities to make the list, with Glasgow coming in sixth.

Reviewers have lauded the capital’s history and landmarks with one, Paul P saying “Located in the heart of the city and built on a high volcanic rock, the Edinburgh Castle provides you not only with spectacular views of Edinburgh and beyond, but also with a deep sense of history. Plus, it’s the home of the Scottish Crown jewels.”

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Samantha G added: “Beautiful garden lovely weather we walked to get to the castle and it is beautiful!”

The site describes Edinburgh as being renowned for its heritage, culture and festivals. It also mentions the World Heritage Sites of the Old Town and New Town, as well as all the area’s museums and galleries.

Food and events, including the world famous festival, also marked out the city.