'Perhaps if a tourist asked them nicely?' - Readers react to Edinburgh Council refusal to empty dog poo bins

Delena Rudkin and Clare Devlin of the Piershill Back Green Association with resident Brooklyn Robertson. Picture: TSPL.Delena Rudkin and Clare Devlin of the Piershill Back Green Association with resident Brooklyn Robertson. Picture: TSPL.
Delena Rudkin and Clare Devlin of the Piershill Back Green Association with resident Brooklyn Robertson. Picture: TSPL.
Readers have reacted angrily after it emerged that Edinburgh City Council refused to empty dog poo bins in a revamped community garden.

Residents put in huge efforts to spruce up open land behind their flats, planting a rockery, installing seating and persuading dog owners to put their pets’ deposits in specially-provided bins.

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'˜We won't empty dog poo bins' says Edinburgh council

Previously, it was a big green space which was regularly covered in dog mess.

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Instead, volunteers have to go around with a wheelbarrow every few weeks to collect the waste and find a nearby landfill bin to put it in. Now the council is being urged to step up and match the residents’ commitment to keeping the area clean.

Members of the Piershill Back Green Association said it is public land which they have been trying to make into a garden, and that other local parks had bins provided and emptied by the council.

And Evening News readers have been left angered by the council's lack of action.

One Facebook reader, Daniel Piggins, said: "Correct me if I'm wrong here but is this not what local council services are all about? Helping local people live in and keep their community tidy clean and nice? Oh wait....perhaps if a tourist asked them nicely to do it?"

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Helen Banham posed the question: "If the council installed the bins, isn't it in their "job description" to empty said bins? If they don't empty the bins, & dog owners stop using them, wouldn't the council workers have to collect dog poo off the open ground as part of their work?"

Angela Mcdermott said: "The council can’t empty the household bins on the calendar dates never mind them trying to empty poo bins

Good luck and I hope they empty it soon

"I have now decided not to bother putting my household green and grey waste bins out I will taking my rubbish to the recycling depot myself that way I’m not reliant on a substandard service from the council."

Jim Shanley said: "Well done residents ... typical CEC making it hard for people to improve their environment target than supporting them."

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But Sarahjane McLaren said: "But it’s now a garden bin rather than a public bin. Council don’t empty garden bins..."

Alan Inverarity agreed, stating: "Strangely the council don't come into my back garden and empty my rubbish bin either."

Last week the residents were e-mailed by a council official, saying the waste services department would not pick up bins used exclusively or mainly for dog waste and ideally dog owners should place their dog waste in the communal bins at the front of the square.

Read more at: https://www.edinburghnews.scotsman.com/news/we-won-t-empty-dog-poo-bins-says-edinburgh-council-1-4832826?fbclid=IwAR3_zy8mDO9q3T0XC6XJLil6pegsF7LUoMDoMEvYY0db5DQwVKMvEqiqP3A