Hibs fan pleads guilty to running at Rangers goalkeeper

Greg Binnie. Picture: DeadlineGreg Binnie. Picture: Deadline
Greg Binnie. Picture: Deadline
A TEENAGER has admitted his part in the pitch invasion at the end of the Scottish Cup final.

George Watson’s squash coach Greg Binnie pleaded guilty to running at and making offensive gestures towards Rangers’ goalkeeper Wes Foderingham after climbing over fencing at Hampden Park on May 21.

Sports coaching student Binnie was in the dock at Glasgow Sheriff Court after appearing from custody.

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He was charged under the Offensive Behaviour at Football Act.

The court heard Binnie climbed over fencing, entered on to the field of play immediately following the conclusion of the match between Rangers and Hibs in which Hibs won 3-2 after a last minute goal.

He ran at Foderingham and gestured in an offensive manner.

The procurator fiscal depute Kathleen O’Donnell told the court that Binnie had no previous convictions and said she would be asking for a football banning order to be imposed on him.

Defence lawyer Joe Murphy said: “This has given Mr Binnie and his family a lot of trouble since the weekend.

“Threats have been made to him and members of his family.

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“He is deeply ashamed of becoming involved in this behaviour. He is a student and he has part-time employment which may be affected by this.

“He has faced up to his responsibility.”

Binnie, a former SFA intern, has been suspended from his role as a squash coach at George Watson’s college.

No details of the incident involving Binnie, other than the charge which he pled to were heard in court after sheriff Ian Miller declined to hear the facts until a background report had been prepared on Binnie.

The case was deferred until next month and Binnie, from Ratho, was granted bail.