Midlothian crimebeat May 10-16

Stock picture Michael Gillen.Stock picture Michael Gillen.
Stock picture Michael Gillen.
Here is your weekly round-up of crime in Midlothian, for May 10-16, as reported by Police Scotland.


On Monday, May 10, traffic officers stopped a vehicle on Edmonstone Road, Danderhall. The 29-year-old male driver failed the roadside drugs test. He was also found to be in possession of cannabis and be driving with no insurance. He was arrested, charged and taken to police custody.

On Thursday, May 13, officers attended Easthouses Road after reports of a one vehicle collision. The male driver was traced, he subsequently failed the roadside breath test. He was arrested and conveyed to hospital as a precaution before attending police custody.

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On Saturday, May 15, police received reports of a disturbance within Tesco, Hardengreen, A 40-year-old man was issued with a recorded police warning for his behaviour.


On Thursday, May 13, officers responded to reports of a man breaching his bail conditions. A 19-year-old man was traced to Dougall Place and arrested for breaching his bail conditions. He was held in police custody to appear at court the next day.

On Friday, May 14, officers responded to reports of a disturbance at an address on Hamilton Crescent. A youth was charged for behaving in a threatening and abusive manner. A report has been submitted to the children’s reporter.

On Sunday, May 16, officers responded to reports of a house party within an address in Old School Medway. Upon dispersing the party, a 32-year-old woman became abusive and aggressive towards officers thereafter assaulting an officer. She was arrested and charged with police assault.


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On Thursday, May 13, officers received reports of a moped collision on Burnside Road. The 17-year-old male was traced nearby and was uninjured. He was charged with a number of traffic offences including theft of a motor vehicle, driving with no insurance and careless driving. A report has been submitted to the children’s reporter.


On Wednesday, May 12, officers attended an address in Eskdale Drive in response to reports of an assault. A 54-year-old woman was arrested and charged in connection with the incident. She was held in police custody and released when sober.

On Friday, May 14, officers responded to reports of an assault on Argyll Street. A 39-year-old woman was subsequently arrested and charged in connection with the incident. A report has been submitted to the Procurator Fiscal.

On Saturday, May 15, officers attended an address on Eskdale Drive in relation to an ongoing disturbance. Officers attended and witnessed a woman being assaulted. A 30-year-old woman was arrested and charged. She was held in police custody to appear at court the next lawful day.


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On Monday, May 10, officers attended an address on Edinburgh Road in relation to an ongoing disturbance. A 29-year-old man was arrested in connection with an assault and behaving in a threatening and abusive manner. He was held in police custody to appear at court the following day.

On Monday, May 10, officers attended an address in Cruachan Court in relation to an 18-year-old man acting in an aggressive manner. He was arrested, charged and held in police custody until sober.