Danny Weston '˜thrilled' with Children's Book Award

Young judges with prize-winners, from left, Danny Weston, Ross MacKenzie, Simon Puttock and Ali Pye. Picture: John DevlinYoung judges with prize-winners, from left, Danny Weston, Ross MacKenzie, Simon Puttock and Ali Pye. Picture: John Devlin
Young judges with prize-winners, from left, Danny Weston, Ross MacKenzie, Simon Puttock and Ali Pye. Picture: John Devlin
A CITY author behind a series of time travel adventure novels set in the Capital has landed Scotland's biggest children's book award.

Danny Weston – who has written three of his books under the pseudonym Philip Caveney – was yesterday named winner in the Older Readers (12-16 yrs) category at the Scottish Children’s Book Awards 2016.

The £3000 prize – voted for exclusively by children – is the country’s largest for children’s authors and illustrators.

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Danny, who lives in Tollcross, clinched the title for his novel The Piper, which follows a brother and sister as they are evacuated from London to the countryside.

The siblings – Peter and Daisy – find themselves on an isolated farm in the middle of a treacherous marshland, and as Daisy gets drawn deeper into the secrets of their new home, Peter starts to realise that something very sinister is going on.

Danny’s previous works – all time travel adventures set in Edinburgh – were published under the name Philip Caveney.

Crow Boy is set in Mary King’s Close, Seventeen Coffins is all about the tiny coffins found on Arthur’s Seat in 1836 and One For Sorrow is about Robert Louis Stevenson.

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Danny said: “I am absolutely thrilled to have won this award, especially because it has been voted for, not by critics and industry insiders, but by the people who matter most; the young readers for whom the story was actually written.

“Thanks to everyone who voted for The Piper. You have rocked my world.”

The winners were announced during a special awards ceremony held at 
Glasgow’s Grand Central Hotel yesterday, which was attended by nearly 1000 children.

Jasmine Fassl, head of schools at the Scottish Book Trust, which runs the awards with backing from Creative Scotland and Regular Funding, said: “It’s a well-worn statistic that a love of books is more important for children’s 
educational success than their family’s socio-economic status.

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“Initiatives like the Scottish Children’s Book Awards are intended to instil a love of books in children right from the very start, by making the process of reading fun, interactive and collaborative.

“But it’s the teachers, librarians, parents, and, of course, the authors and illustrators, who bring this project to life for the pupils – who download the resources, who put on the silly voices, who cuddle and tickle and leap about.

“We’re celebrating all the people who bring the magic of books to children and set them on a path to being book lovers for life.”

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