Drunk girl jumped in front of car

Livingston Sheriff Court heard Tiffany Millar threw herself in front of a car. Picture: Gordon McBreartyLivingston Sheriff Court heard Tiffany Millar threw herself in front of a car. Picture: Gordon McBrearty
Livingston Sheriff Court heard Tiffany Millar threw herself in front of a car. Picture: Gordon McBrearty
A DRUNKEN teenager threw herself in front of a car in a terrifying suicidal stunt which put the lives of others at risk, a court has heard.

Tiffany Millar banged her head off the windscreen of the car and skinned her knees as she bounced off on to the road after throwing herself on to the car after a night of drinking.

And despite her painful injuries, Livingston Sheriff Court heard the teenager remembered nothing at all about the incident because she’d had consumed so much alcohol.

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Millar, 16, of The Avenue, Whitburn, pleaded guilty to a charge of culpable and reckless conduct.

She admitted jumping in front of a moving motor vehicle and causing a collision and damage to the windscreen.

The incident took place in Marjoribanks Street, Bathgate, on March 27.

Lindsey Armstrong, prosecuting, said Millar’s conduct had put both the driver of the car, Louise Walsh, and other road users in the area at the time in danger.

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However, Neil Robertson, defending, said: “She remembers nothing about what happened because she was so drunk.”

Sheriff Peter Hammond warned Millar to stay out of trouble and deferred sentence until March next year for good behaviour.

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