Man charged following vandalism to Shaun Woodburn memorial

A memorial for Shaun Woodburn outside the old cinema in Great Junction St was trashed.A memorial for Shaun Woodburn outside the old cinema in Great Junction St was trashed.
A memorial for Shaun Woodburn outside the old cinema in Great Junction St was trashed.
Police have confirmed a man has been charged in connection with vandalism to the Shaun Woodburn memorial site in Leith.

A banner, flowers and balloons in memory of Shaun were trashed just hours after it was unveiled a year on from his senseless killing.

A 46-year-old is due to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on Friday 5th January.

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Leith locals replace trashed tribute to Shaun Woodburn
Shaun WoodburnShaun Woodburn
Shaun Woodburn

Shaun died after attacked by a then 16-year-old outside Gladstones in the early hours of January 1, 2017.

The former Bonnyrigg Rose defender had been seeing in 2017 at the bar with family and friends, including Danny Swanson.

His killer, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was part of a drunken gang who attacked strangers across the city on Hogmanay.