Midlothian skate park is ready to jam

Skate Instructor Marieme Corlett puts in some practice at Transgression ParkSkate Instructor Marieme Corlett puts in some practice at Transgression Park
Skate Instructor Marieme Corlett puts in some practice at Transgression Park
The indoor skate park opened in Midlothian a year ago is set to mark its birthday with the centre's first '˜skate jam' on February 28.

The event at Transgression Park, part of Ozone at Mayfield Industrial Estate, will run from 2pm to 8pm and is open to all ages and abilities.

Ken Smith, director at Transgression Park, explained more about the event.

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He said: “It’s like a contest but it’s not got the same structure as a sporting contest.

Skate Instructor Marieme Corlett puts in some practice at Transgression ParkSkate Instructor Marieme Corlett puts in some practice at Transgression Park
Skate Instructor Marieme Corlett puts in some practice at Transgression Park

“It’s the first one we have held here. It’s going to be good. I’m looking forward to it.

“It’s something that the kids ask for quite routinely.

“Everyone turns up and has a good time. People can just turn up on the day. They can take part or spectate. Registration is from 1pm, and spectators can just turn up at anytime. There is a kids’ jam, a girls’ jam. And there are other age groups for the boys.

“A lot of big name sponsors have got on board rather quickly. They all want to be part of it. Skateboarding is experiencing a bit of an upsurge again.”

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Skate Instructor Marieme Corlett puts in some practice at Transgression ParkSkate Instructor Marieme Corlett puts in some practice at Transgression Park
Skate Instructor Marieme Corlett puts in some practice at Transgression Park

Ken has been delighted with the move to Midlothian from Edinburgh.

He said: “It has been good. We have got more space, more facilities, and we are reaching a wider audience.

“I think that certainly since the railway opened in September we have opened up to a lot of folk from the Borders.

“Previously it was a bit of a mission for them to get to Edinburgh. But now it’s just a few stops up the line.

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“That’s the biggest impact we have felt. Even link trains from Fife have helped. We cover quite a vast area now.

“Even though there are parks in Dundee and Aberdeen we have captured the vast amount of Scottish skaters, and even some from the north of England. The train link has improved their ability to get here as well.”