The irony of reading a great quote about living in the moment on my phone – Hayley Matthews

It's all too easy to get sucked into your screen and ignore your family. Picture: GettyIt's all too easy to get sucked into your screen and ignore your family. Picture: Getty
It's all too easy to get sucked into your screen and ignore your family. Picture: Getty
I saw a woman walking along the road with her two kids beside her and her head buried in her phone. It made me think about a quote I recently read that said something along the lines of how we should always try and stay present, focus on our relationships, our children and be in the moment instead of being glued to our phones, writes Hayley Matthews.

Basically so many of us sit scrolling through our phones as our family around us need us and want our conversations.

As I was reading this quote, baby Oryn was playing on the floor beside me and a handbag dangling off a chair caught his wee finger.

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The irony was not wasted on me and I now make a conscious effort to not sit scrolling on my phone when there are wonderful moments happening all around me.

I have always been very aware about putting my phone away and speaking to my children but sometimes a gentle reminder does no harm. I’m by no means perfect.

However, I do think we need to be aware of what is happening around us and how we can be shut off to the wonderful experiences and blessings that are taking place all of the time.

If you find yourself not present and missing out on precious moments, pinch yourself.

It does no harm because there are so many important moments happening all the time while we’re buried in Facebook.