Fiona Duff: Great Fortitude required as I try to reclaim sofa

Stanley Tucci, Sophie Grabol and Christopher Eccleston in FortitudeStanley Tucci, Sophie Grabol and Christopher Eccleston in Fortitude
Stanley Tucci, Sophie Grabol and Christopher Eccleston in Fortitude
I have an old mucker from university who is quite a clever chap. Last year you may have seen a series on Sky Atlantic called Fortitude '“ well it was him what wrote it. If you didn't see it then you would have heard about it as was apparently the most expensive series ever made by a British company. There was what is known as a stellar cast; Sophie whatsherface from The Killing, Christopher Eccleston and Michael Gambon amongst others.

I only saw the first three episodes due to not having Sky and Now TV not working in my flat. I suppose I could have made a bit more effort by going round to watch it at a friends house, but I just couldn’t be bothered going out at 9pm when I had just got all cosy on my own sofa.

Anyway, in the meantime Simon has only gone and written a second series. What’s more he has also cast the lovely Dennis Quaid – needless to say he completely ignored my requests to visit the set during filming.

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There’s a special screening of the first episode in the middle of January over in that Glasgow town. Of course that could prove a tad embarrassing if I don’t even know who has survived from series one.

Simon likes a bit of blood and gore so I imagine that the body count was fairly high. I mean that poor Scottish actor Tam Dean Burn was eaten by a polar bear almost as soon as the credits rolled. Hardly worth him even going to Iceland where they filmed the exterior scenes.

So you can imagine how pleased I was to open a small present on Christmas morning to find a DVD of the programme. Now I just need to wait until the holidays are over, when husband and kids vacate the aforementioned sofa and I can regain the remote control to get my fix of Fortitude.

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