Kenny MacDonald: No complacency in drive to tackle housebreaking

File picture: Ian GeorgesonFile picture: Ian Georgeson
File picture: Ian Georgeson
THERE will be no let-up in the fight against theft one year on from the relaunch of Operation RAC, says Kenny MacDonald

April marked the one-year anniversary of Operation RAC’s relaunch in the Capital. It’s been extremely encouraging to see the detection rates for housebreakings have improved since we reintroduced this initiative, but we will not become complacent in our efforts and will continue to actively target those responsible for crimes of this nature.

While the investigative work by our dedicated teams across the city is crucial to this success, the public have a vital role to play in helping us prevent housebreaking. Please continue to take on board our advice and guidance as to how best to secure your home and yourselves, and let us know if something’s “not quite right” around you or your neighbour’s homes. If you would like more information on safeguarding your home or business then please visit the Police Scotland website.

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While Operation RAC continues to prove successful in tackling break-ins, I am expecting equally positive results from our current doorstep crime campaign, Operation Monarda, which launched last week.

My officers have teamed up with Edinburgh council’s trading standards officers to raise awareness in local communities of doorstep crime and educate residents around how to protect themselves from bogus callers and rogue traders. Being duped by doorstep criminals can happen to any of us, not just vulnerable members of our community.

I therefore urge you to look out for one another and contact police the moment you’re aware of any suspicious activity, which occurs at the home of a neighbour, friend or family member.

This past weekend, The Gumball Rally brought many visitors to the city centre over the bank holiday weekend. This was an extremely popular event and a fitting one to precede the launch of our national weeklong speeding initiative that is currently ongoing.

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To support this campaign, Edinburgh’s conventional officers and specialist Roads Policing officers will be carrying out enforcement and education initiatives, increasing awareness of the risks associated with both speeding offences and “inappropriate speed”, which could amount to careless or even dangerous driving.

Looking ahead, further to the division’s recent restructure aligning us with four council areas across the city, I am the process of reviewing the current deployment of officers to ensure an appropriate number are in place to address the thousands of priority-graded calls we receive each week, whilst safeguarding locally known officers who provide a vital service to communities.

• Chief Superintendent Kenny MacDonald is Police Scotland’s divisional commander for Edinburgh