Miles and colleagues Walk the Walk for battling friend Lynn

The Edinburgh Letting Service team are ready to spring into action for the MoonWalkThe Edinburgh Letting Service team are ready to spring into action for the MoonWalk
The Edinburgh Letting Service team are ready to spring into action for the MoonWalk
Miles Leslie and his team from Edinburgh Letting Service are taking on The MoonWalk Scotland next month after being inspired by the fortitude of a colleague who underwent radical surgery for cancer.

The event raises money for grant-making breast cancer charity, Walk the Walk and has assisted thousands of women.

Miles said: “We are taking part as our lovely colleague Lynn was diagnosed with cancer in both of her breasts at the start of the year, and we wanted to do something for her collectively as a company.

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“I’ve known about The MoonWalk Scotland for some time and have always been impressed to see the amount of people who support the event, so I suggested the event to the team and everyone was up for it!

“When Lynn received her cancer diagnosis, she had only just resolved another health issue. She thought she was seeing the light at the end of the tunnel when she got the results from a routine mammogram telling her she had breast cancer. It was devastating for Lynn as she loves keeping fit and had just got her mind-set refocused when she found out.”

Lynn is being treated at the Western General in Edinburgh. Her treatment plan is radio and chemotherapy, followed by a lumpectomy to remove the tumours.

Miles continued: “Our team are taking on the half Marathon at The MoonWalk and we can’t wait! One of my colleagues has taken part in the event so she has given us lots of hints and tips on what to expect from a midnight walking event.

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“We are really enjoying training for the big night! Myself and another team member are really into our fitness – we run a few times a week and generally have a good fitness level. The other two members of the team are out and about training all over Edinburgh! They’ve been walking around Arthur’s Seat and planning routes that end at a bus stop so they can get home after their training walks.

“We can’t wait to meet the other walkers on the night and I’ve heard the support from the volunteers will keep us going if we are flagging! I think it will be great for our team to experience a mass participation event together.

“For people thinking about signing up, I would say – don’t wait for something to happen, get out there, enjoy it – you will be better for it.”

An incredible £21.3 million has been raised to improve the lives of those living with cancer since the first MoonWalk Scotland in 2006. Help raise even more money to support people living with cancer. Take part in The MoonWalk Scotland, Saturday 8 June at Holyrood Park. See

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