MSP welcomes changes to Dalkeith custody suite proposal

Stock photo of Dalkeith Police Station.Stock photo of Dalkeith Police Station.
Stock photo of Dalkeith Police Station.
South Scotland List MSP Martin Whitfield has welcomed the amendment of a proposal for Dalkeith Police Station’s custody suite which would have meant it would only be used during major events or as a back-up.

The original plan to reclassify Dalkeith from a ‘primary’ to ‘ancillary’ centre, has now been amended so that it will operate as an ancillary dayshift centre, staffed by Criminal Justice Services Division (CJSD).

It will also be available for activation when required and principally staffed by custody trained local officers, with remote custody supervision.

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Commenting on the amended proposal, Mr Whitfield (Con) said: “When the proposal to reclassify Dalkeith’s custody centre was first announced, I was not convinced that it was the right decision for local communities, police officers or detainees.

“There was an acceptance that some level of change was required due to the reduction in the number of people being taken into custody, but there were real fears about how the proposal would impact on communities, particularly in Mid and East Lothian and the Borders.

“We highlighted our concerns about the proposal and asked for the reclassification to be looked at again. I’m grateful to Police Scotland for listening to the concerns and revisiting their proposed changes. I believe the revised plan is a sensible compromise which means that the custody suite will continue to be staffed at periods of peak demand, while also remaining available for activation at other times as required.”