Peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters praised by police after no arrests made in Edinburgh

Protests around the globe have shown solidarity with the US following Mr Floyd's death after police officer Derek Chauvin held him down by kneeling on his neckProtests around the globe have shown solidarity with the US following Mr Floyd's death after police officer Derek Chauvin held him down by kneeling on his neck
Protests around the globe have shown solidarity with the US following Mr Floyd's death after police officer Derek Chauvin held him down by kneeling on his neck
Protestors at yesterday’s Black Lives Matter demonstrations have been praised by police after no arrests were made in the Capital – and just two arrests were made in Glasgow.

Thousands of protestors across the country turned out to the anti-racism demonstrations in Holyrood Park and Glasgow Green yesterday following the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin and to show solidarity with those protesting in the United States.

Police confirmed that despite thousands turning out to the rallies, just two arrests were made in Glasgow but did not confirm the nature of the alleged offences and no fixed penalties were handed out at the protests.

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The First Minister, police and MSPs had previously asked protestors to find safer ways to express their support, however the majority of attendees wore face coverings and observed social distancing where possible.

Protesters have been hailed for holding peaceful demonstrations across ScotlandProtesters have been hailed for holding peaceful demonstrations across Scotland
Protesters have been hailed for holding peaceful demonstrations across Scotland

Assistant Chief Constable Kenny MacDonald said: "Our advice this weekend was, and remains that people should find alternative methods to protest rather than attending mass gatherings. We discouraged attendance at these events across the country to minimise risks to public safety and health.

"I am therefore somewhat disappointed that large numbers of people chose to ignore this advice and attended these events across Scotland.

"However, I would like to thank those who did attend for adhering to the physical distancing measures where possible, and protesting in a peaceful manner.

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"An appropriate policing response was put in place for the events and in the main they passed without incident.

Social distancing was largely in place where possible and face masks were wornSocial distancing was largely in place where possible and face masks were worn
Social distancing was largely in place where possible and face masks were worn

"We would encourage everyone to continue to follow the Scottish Government's regulations and guidance to aid the collective effort to protect the NHS and save lives."

Ms Sturgeon had said that in different circumstances she might have joined the demonstrations but that the coronavirus outbreak meant it was "simply not safe" and would "pose a risk to life".

Scottish singer Lewis Capaldi was amongst those in attendance.

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There were no new reported deaths among people who have tested positive for coronavirus in Scotland on Sunday, although the figures at a weekend are often low because of delayed reporting.

Despite the progress made in containing the virus, mass gatherings remain banned under the lockdown.