Nicola Sturgeon update RECAP: First Minister gives update on Covid restrictions

First Minister to update MSPs on pandemicFirst Minister to update MSPs on pandemic
First Minister to update MSPs on pandemic
Nicola Sturgeon has confirmed that Covid restrictions in Scotland will not be changed in a parliament briefing to MSPs.

The Scottish Government is to consider expanding its coronavirus vaccine passport scheme to pubs, cinemas, theatres and other hospitality venues from December 6, Nicola Sturgeon has said.

The First Minister told MSPs in the Scottish Parliament that a final decision will be made next Tuesday on whether the scheme will be expanded to cover more settings.

Vaccine passports were introduced at the start of October.

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Covid Scotland: vaccine passports likely to be extended three weeks before Chris...

They apply to nightclubs, adult entertainment venues, unseated indoor events with more than 500 people, unseated outdoor events with more than 4,000 people, and any event where more than 10,000 people are present.

Ms Sturgeon said her government will also consider introducing the option to provide a negative Covid-19 test result to enter venues.

You can follow the latest in our live blog.

Nicola Sturgeon to give update on potential renewed Covid restrictions

The Covid update has now finished and there is a brief pause in the chamber as some MSPs leave.

If you missed the briefing here are some key points.

  • Nicola Sturgeon has said that there will be no changes to current Covid restrictions.
  • The First Minister added that members of the public may need to the provide evidence of a negative recent test for admission into venues soon.
  • The Scottish Government is to consider expanding its coronavirus vaccine passport scheme to pubs, cinemas, theatres and other hospitality venues from December 6, Nicola Sturgeon has said.
  • There is no sign so far that the Cop26 conference in Glasgow contributed to a rise in cases of Covid-19.
  • More than one million booster doses of the Covid-19 vaccine have been administered in Scotland

And that brings the live blog to an end - thanks for your company.

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Nicola Sturgeon has said her government will also consider introducing the option to provide a negative Covid-19 test result to enter venues.

She said: “Again let me stress that we have not at this stage taken a decision to extend the reach of the scheme.

“However, to allow us to engage openly with businesses in the coming days about the pros, cons and practicalities, I can confirm that the kinds of settings that might be in scope would be indoor cinemas, theatres, and some other licensed and hospitality premises.”

Scottish businesses are preparing for an extension of Scotland’s vaccine passport scheme to kick in three weeks before Christmas as First Minister Nicola Sturgeon warned that further action was necessary to avoid a Christmas lockdown.

Full story HERE

Anas Sarwar says the Scottish Government has not “fixed the tools they have” stating that the vaccine works but does not stop transmission. He asks Nicola Strugeon to admit she was wrong and to focus on testing rather than vaccine passports.

The First Minister responded saying: “There comes a point where you reconsider your judgement”

Scot Lib Dem leader Alex Cole-Hamilton also points to use of LFTs at COP and says they are superior. He asks the FM to abandon passport scheme entirely.

Douglas Ross asks what businesses may be impacted by future restrictions. “The government must know who might be impacted. So let me ask the First Minister the same question I asked the Deputy First Minister last week. Exactly which businesses are the government still considering expanding the vaccine passport scheme to?”


Not expanding Scotland’s vaccine passport scheme would be “irresponsible” if it could help to keep the virus at bay, Nicola Sturgeon has said.

She told MSPs: “I am acutely aware that many businesses want us to remove mitigations – including certification – not extend or tighten them.

“I understand that.

“But all of our decisions are motivated by a desire to get through what will be a challenging winter without having to re-introduce any restrictions on trade.

“We want, if possible, businesses to stay fully open over Christmas and through the winter, while also keeping Covid under control.

“If an expansion of Covid certification can help us do that, it would be irresponsible not to consider it.”

Nicola Sturgeon has added that possible changes to the current vaccine passport scheme were discussed at Cabinet this morning but a final decision has not been taken.

Nicola Sturgeon said ministers were mulling the possibility of the scheme covering more settings than just large events and nightclubs.

The inclusion of cinemas, theatres and “some other licensed and hospitality premises” are under active consideration.


Here are some key points from Nicola Sturgeon’s update.

  • Nicola Sturgeon has said that there will be no changes to current Covid restrictions.
  • The First Minister added that members of the public may need to the provide evidence of a negative recent test for admission into venues soon.
  • The Scottish Government is to consider expanding its coronavirus vaccine passport scheme to pubs, cinemas, theatres and other hospitality venues from December 6, Nicola Sturgeon has said.
  • There is no sign so far that the Cop26 conference in Glasgow contributed to a rise in cases of Covid-19.
  • More than one million booster doses of the Covid-19 vaccine have been administered in Scotland