Should you follow Ed Sheeran's example with digital detox?

Ed Sheerans digital detox is a drastic move, but it does raise awareness of the stresses of modern living. Picture: PAEd Sheerans digital detox is a drastic move, but it does raise awareness of the stresses of modern living. Picture: PA
Ed Sheerans digital detox is a drastic move, but it does raise awareness of the stresses of modern living. Picture: PA
SHOULD we be following in pop star Sheeran's footsteps and try imposing a digital detox to escape our tech-induced stress?

Back in December, at the end of his world tour, Ed Sheeran announced to his Twitter and Instagram followers – some 21 million of them – that he was ditching his phone, e-mails and social media accounts until next autumn. “I find myself seeing the world through a screen and not my eyes,” the singer wrote, in a statement that many of us can empathise with.

If you feel envious of Sheeran’s self-imposed sabbatical, you’re not alone.

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A new survey of 1000 adults by tech mapping firm Esri UK has found that 61 per cent of the those questioned said the need to keep on top of the deluge of data that lands in their inboxes every day is a “major concern”.

Nearly half – 45 per cent – admit digital overload has affected their relationships or sleep patterns, while 35 per cent said it makes them feel anxious and unable to relax.

A similar number said that even if they get round to glancing at the mountains of content that heads their way, they struggle to absorb it, particularly if it’s text-heavy, whereas visuals are easier to digest.

If it makes you feel any better, there is a scientific explanation for why this tech-based stress occurs.

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“Paying attention to a vast amount of data requires multi-tasking, rapidly switching attention from one source to another, which has been found to increase levels of the stress hormone, cortisol,” explains Dr Dimitrios Tsivrikos, a consumer and business psychologist.

Does that sounds like you?

If the answer’s yes, it’s probably time to do something about it. And while a ten-month moratorium may not be realistic – unless you also happen to be a multi-millionaire Brit Award-winning performer – there are steps you can take to regain control of your cortisol levels.

In fact, Dr Tsivtrikos says going cold turkey isn’t necessarily the answer – but with Lent starting on Wednesday then now could be a good time to consider it.

“Rather than ‘detox’ and then revert back to being device-dependent the following day, it is more beneficial to permanently change the way devices are incorporated into our daily lives,” he says, advising that turning off notifications is the first step to reducing that frazzled feeling every time your mobile pings or buzzes.

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“Allocate a small amount of time for internet browsing or checking your phone and stick to it. This eliminates constant interruptions and allows you to fully concentrate the rest of the time.”

And for those times when you resort to surfing social media out of boredom, try reading a book or listening to music – anything that doesn’t involve staring at a screen. Maybe the soothing indie-pop of Sheeran might strengthen your resolve?